200 years later a lot of 'small communities' scattered over a wide area have grown, most with 10,000 to 20,000 people, light 20th century tech and manufacturing, fossil fuels scarce even with Canada. Weapons like the simple, rugged reliable AK-47 in 7.63x39 are abundant but many are in 7.62x51. GPMGs like the M-60Es are also common and have evolved a long way in simplicity, reliability, handling. As have semi auto, high capacity bull pup long range sniping rifles.
200 years earlier many of the nearer small communities were over run, with survivors fleeing the radiation, chaos and violence of panicked, frustrated, hungry, desperate walking wounded. Survivors carried their stories of violence, panic and desperation far and wide. As did people driven from their homes by mobs demanding shelter and food even if it meant slaughtering livestock, sharing hidden food stocks with mobs who felt entitled to demand they share.
Then police and military showing up to demand under some eminent domain that home owners share their property and supplies until the government could make other arrangements, and then government collapsed as more people arrived and supplies ran lower faster, as people died faster than they could be buried, wells ran low, sanitation deteriorated, medical supplies ran out and residents realized they had best leave before they became disease carriers themselves.
They had vehicles to flee in, the sick and wounded had dozens of miles to march, most died along the way, the true experiences of the survivors would live for generations. Those healthy enough to stay ahead of disease learned to keep a low profile and not attract outside attention.
They learned hard lessons from refugees with very different values and work ethics, most of those that survived were able to learn to do their share, adapt and fit in. Those that didn't, who wanted to be thugs, gangsters, and criminals 'disappeared', "wandered off never to be seen again', got shot for good reason. The locals had been hunting those woods all their lives.
If you had gone to jail you earned your keep or got shot. If you worked out your neighbors helped you start a subsistence farm on a large enough piece of property to develop into a working farm producing marketable harvests. People working hard all day everyday to get by don't have a lot of compassion for the able but lazy, who would prey on them because they would rather hustle you or be high while they pretend to be doing their share.
They had organized networks of Followers and Tinkers spreading north into Canada south into Mexico and Westward to help those communities and settlements they could bordering the Wastelands They set up Tinker schools, taught mechanics to medicine, agriculture to engineering, small business management, marketable trades, set up shops, light industries like smelters, foundries, kilns for bricks, glass and ceramics, cement and mortar factories, set up trade routes, ran caravans, encouraged trade, trained and employed locals, built up the local economy, encouraged local recycling , public sanitation down played as much as possible life in the wintery mountains of the north east. With it’s short growing season, black flies and no see ‘ems, long winters and deep snow.