Well, that E3 coverage made me worry…
Just let me say, right here at the start, that everything I mention here is just speculation based on what we’ve been given so far, and I hope I’m wrong and that I’m just overreacting due to being disappointed, but it does look worrisome.
First of all, the main protagonist. From the character creation we are limited in how our character is, in that a lot of choices have already been made for us; our character is straight, is married, is a parent. All of those will have an impact on a person’s personality, already creating a mould your character has to fit in to.
Second, which is actually also about the main protagonist, is the voice acting. Your character has a voice, and that (amazingly) decides how your character talks. Like it or not, our voices are actually different, based on both our upbringing and our personality. With your character having a pre-determined voice, you get another mould you have to fit into. Also, the voice actor and dialogue writer may have had an entirely different meaning behind a dialogue option than what it reads like; you may want your character to say something in a neutral voice, but it turns out the acting is done in a snarky/deadpan/sugary voice. Which brings us neatly to…
Third, dialogue wheel. What? Four options for chat, requiring nested menus for added dialogue? It seems either very limited or cumbersome with lots of navigating and clicking to get more choices. If it is the first, this seems more like a constraint of roleplaying than an aid.
Fourth: Are there really no skills? But… Will only perks be available to specialise your character? You can’t be adequate in one thing and good in something else? I know this one is vague yet, but it seems very limiting. Perks should be something special, like, I don’t know, a perk your character has, rather than something your character knows. Skills are knowledge, perks are bonuses.
I do so hope that I’m worrying needlessly here, because so much of the footage looked awesome – the world design, the creatures, the detail of crafting, the weapons and armour customisation, the base building… I only really want FO4 to be an RPG as well, with lots of choices for character development, not just gear development…