How would VATS work in co-op? How would the repuation/karma system work? How would the difficulty be re-balanced for multiple players? How would experience points be distributed? How would the NPC interaction and plot elements/scripts work with multiple players? Which player would be considered the main character in the story? How would people running different mods/DLC or different versions of mods be handled? How would plot-related achievements be handled?
I'll let you think about those before I ask the rest of my questions (I have a lot of them)...

How would VATS work in co-op?
That would be up to the developers. i dont completely know how that would work. maybe have it in real time for the opposite player or something jus in slow -mo for the person in vats or something. idk. that one ive been thinking about for a while...
How would the repuation/karma system work?
The player coming in to the game can have the choice to have karma effect them. each players actions dont effect the other player. so if someone starts killing innocents you could just kick them from the game and reload a last save. i know it would be awful to have to loose progress but i cant make people not do bad things.
How would the difficulty be re-balanced for multiple players?
The diffuculty would be balanced due to Hosts game diffuculty and and players lvls.
How would experience points be distributed?
each person will get the same ammount of experience points for each thing they helped kill or killed them selves. you kill it you keep the experience... you steal their kill, you dont get very much experience but the person who did the most damage to the enemy will get full experience.
How would the NPC interaction and plot elements/scripts work with multiple players?
The host does all the talking. you would see everthing the host does just you wouldnt be the one choosing what to say.
Which player would be considered the main character in the story?
The host would be the main player. The person joining in would just be a follower.
How would people running different mods/DLC or different versions of mods be handled?
I personally dont own a pc that i use to play games on. so for the console games this wouldnt be a problem. as long as they have the same dlc they can play together. as for p.c. i guess that they would have to have compatable mods/dlc. I'm not sure how mods work so i cant help you there (sorry)
How would plot-related achievements be handled?
The host would be the only ones earning the achievments. The followers (player joining in) would get no bonuses, no achievments, and the host ultimately decides what they get to keep.
Hope it helped. =)