» Thu Jan 27, 2011 2:06 am
Okay, I skipped from page 4 of topic. So I have probably missed something important.
Computer RPG's have had coop-mode in past and it worked quite nicely. Baldur's Gate's had that, it had few annoying features like pausing for not so important dialogues and everyone could pause game at any time. Lot of fun in LAN, but network code was horribly buggy and random disconnects did happen and back then there wasn't that useful VOIP software, like we have now with mumble, vent and TS, so I didn't even think about playing it over net with friends.
Basically there should be limitations on coop-mode. First that comes to my mind is that player should have completed single player to unlock it. Second would be that serious script triggering events should require that all players are near each other when it happens, regardless what it is, either dialogue or something completely different. All important dialogue should require that all players should be present at that location, non important dialogue like shops should be possible to perform alone. Important dialogue should probably be locked unless all players are present, probably red text on dialogue options that are locked due to distance of buddy, to show up that they exist, basically red lock could show up on hud on locked event triggering switches and other stuff of that kind. Players should be handicapped relatively to their number, more players and every ones stats go down or there should be more enemies . Max players should be very low, max 3 or 4 in my opinion. There isn't reasonable way to integrate VATS on it, besides is there need for VATS, group of players is always more effective in combat than one.
Personally I would love to see Fallout with coop. It would fit finely as long as it game is real time, regardless of view type. Basically FO3 is FPS, besides being RPG, it was quite easy for at least PC version when it comes to combat. I felt that difficulty was relatively easy, even on hard. Other difficulty levels were honestly quite wimpy. Fallout 3 coop mod should step up combat difficulty massively. Dialogues would have been fine as they are for coop as they are, as those were extremely straightforward in most parts, so very little of dialogue should need compacting for coop.