I think it would be awesome to never ever see the word "Multiplayer" on a list of features for a Bethesda RPG. This excludes spin-offs of the sort like Battlespire. But if a numbered Fallout or Elder Scrolls game came out with a multiplayer component, I wouldn't buy it.
^This. There seems to be a school of thought in the industry that single player is dead. Which Emil addressed directly in his interview with Shack News where he said that Single Player is not dead and the success of F3, Oblivion etc confirms it and reading between the lines it basically means don't expect Multiplayer from beth.
I really hate what happened to Resident Evil, you are basically forced to either have a dumb girl follow you about or play co-op. At the end of the day there is plenty of good co-op games, but very few good single player games. I like my escapism, this means I don't have to listen to someone shouting 'woot' 'pwned' etc or even 'FRAG EM', it ruins it for me.
Gaming to me is sitting in my room alone with noone bothering me, all of my problems in the back of my head and have my full attention on just the game. Not someone else running alongside me getting in my way and annoying the hell out of me.