» Sat Feb 20, 2016 5:05 pm
Whatever their intent, ammo types and handloads ended up being magnificent. Add I completely disagree as to their worthlessness, because Damage Threshold was a visible mechanic and you could actually watch it being reduced on targets quickly with AP ammo until it was completely broken, then reload on the fly to whip their ass with hollow-points...or incendiaries...or explosive rounds. Standard ammo took longer. May not have been all that useful on Normal difficulty granted, but it clearly showed it's worth at higher difficulties...and on hardcoe for that matter where ammo had weight, and handloads were effective enough (SWCs carried a 35% DAM increase with -6 DT reduction iirc [who needs magical drops?]) that you could carry less. With the integration of specialization perks, it actually did become quite unbalanced on normal difficulty.
Although opinions may vary, in my view (types, reloads, frame/caliber variety, specialization perks) it was a way better mechanic in a shooting game than magical Spray and Prays, armor piercing receivers (LOL), double shots, battle rifles chambered in pistol rounds, chambering .50 on a standard frame bolt-action rifle, left-hand chambering, insane weapon weight, and bland perks that only serve to level the player as opposed to granting them game rule bending abilities. It feels far too contrived, and way too much like magic for me. Like I said, not a big fan of Skyrim in post apocalyptia. It's systemic, but its what works for them I suppose, and one cannot deny their success in selling games. Does it matter to most players? Probably not...but then again the previous game could appeal to all interests. Bethesda's effort this time around was a lesson in reductionism, alleviating developmental obstacles, and creating mass appeal.
I still would like to see a weapon pack, but I understand full well that the level of fidelity I'm looking for is already a non-starter due to the system and limitations Bethesda opted for. Although on second thought, I'm really not sure they would get it right anyway after seeing what they consider visually appealing, balanced, satisfactory and functional in the base game. Modders will scratch the itch of course, and "fix" a lot of this, but I still think developer based assets would be better integrated, more stable...and welcome. I suppose I just really wish Bethesda had a different outlook on ballistic weaponry (maybe more inline with Obsidian--even though I don't consider myself an especially devoted fan of either)...since this is, at its core, a shooting game--that happens to be a role playing game.
I, of course, do agree with you on the .50 and a standalone lightweight assault rifle. Would really like to have my grenade launcher back as well. Really miss that thing...and yes, I do already play with the M-79 mod. Which is OK. Would've been nice to see them all in the base game.