Really not understanding the backlash here. I have yet to see a bad weapons dlc, that and they rarely if ever take away from the creation of new bigger DLC. Adding weapons doesn't take much effort hell the amount of weapon mods on the nexus proves that.
That and they are already showing that they will be doing minor mods like the second DLC they have comming out.
Also to the idiot who thinks it will delay the creation kit, uh stuff like that would more then likely be a higher priority, The only thing that could delay the creation kit is them finding some heavy ass bugs with it that need to be fixed, that and they seem to want to release it with the hardcoe update.
yep you are not that smart.
First of all each weapon in the list above with acception of the p90 is a unique function, the chinese AR has a secondary feature, the pump shotgun is a pump weapon, the grenade launcher will that speaks for its self. (Seriously grenade launchers are a really cool tactical weapon)
Also you do realize that is is highly likely that the two "filler" DLC's are something they are making to tide people over, here is the thing about filler DLC they take little to no effort to make and allow a team to tide over a fan base as they work on the bigger and better things.
EDIT: think my lack of understanding for the backlash is cause by the fact I have worked with a few game devs (endi games rock) and I know how little the work load is on making weapons.