I don't think Bloodlines was even half the RPG Fallout 3 is, and that's saying something
There was no choice really, the way you solved quests either resulted in more or less experience, so the goal was to always solve the quest in the way that gave you the most experience, that was serious design flaw, Fallout 3 was lacking in this area too, but your choices had way more effect than Bloodlines, **SPOILER** there was nothing like when you saved the girl in the hospital and she just appears in your apartment with absolutely no affect on gameplay whatsoever and then randomly dies in one of the most awkwardly bad moments I have ever experience in a video game **END SPOILER**
She doesn't just appear in your apartment, she approaches you outside of Venture tower.
The gameworld was 100% lifeless, and I'm not talking about vampires, there was no depth at all
Bloodlines was completely linear, besides the multiple endings, you couldn't skip any of the main quests, and that was all there was to do in the whole game, just progress through the main plot, Fallout 3 at least let you level up outside of quests
Uh, you generally can't skip
any main quests, not even in Fallout 3. Sure you can postpone the main quest in FO3, but you can do that in Bloodlines. No one is holding you at gun point and saying that you have to do the quest right at that moment, there's no time limit. And I don't know what game you played, but Bloodlines had a lot of side quests. Bloodlines also gave you the option of dealing with situations in multiple ways like Fallout and Fallout 2, something Fallout 3 is sorely lacking. Bloodlines actually wasn't any more linear than any other non-Bethesda RPG really, unless you consider the order in which you do things non-linearity. KotOR and Mass Effect were just as linear as Bloodlines from where I stand... the only real difference is that you could choose which planet you wanted to do before the other.
Sure you can do whatever you want in Fallout 3... but the problem is that there's nothing to do. I can spend hours wandering the wastes, but that's just a waste of time. The problem with free-form RPGs is that there's a whole lot of nothing between the content, and Fallout 3 is no exception. I'd take Bloodlines' "linearity" and quality over Fallout 3's hours of "nothingness" any day of the week. Yeah, Fallout 3 did have side quests, but there really weren't
that many (which I'm grateful for, too many and we'd end up with mediocre side quests like in TES series), but I spent more time wandering aimlessly finding the quests than actually doing them.
The story and atmosphere were a big step backward from Redemption, Redemption was pretty cliche, but Bloodlines took the emo to a whole new level, I know that's what the series is about, but Redemption did it in a much more meaningful way instead of the typical Blade and Bloodrayne gothic vampire cliches
I'm sorry, but what? Redemption was a joke, it was one of the most poorly written games I've ever had the misfortune of playing through. It was filled with cliches and "emo" as you put it, Bloodlines was actually the exact
opposite. Your character didn't mope around feeling sorry for him or herself like Christof did, he or she actually did something and had the option of cracking jokes along the way. Sure the atmosphere was dark, but it was supposed to be... that's what the World of
Darkness is. The only aspect that I found emo were the goths in the night clubs. Are you sure you're not confusing Bloodlines with Redemption? Redemption was a heck of a lot more linear than Bloodlines, and had no side quests... at all. I'm getting the implication that you haven't even played Bloodlines in all honesty, and if you have you just skimmed through it apparently ignoring all of the side quests.
I have Fallout 3 ahead on RPG points and way ahead on overall game points.
I will respect your opinion, but I have to disagree. Bloodlines is closer to Fallout and Fallout 2 in design and quality than Fallout 3 will ever be. It had a decent story, decent characters, decent dialogue, multiple ways of dealing with situations, and more focus. You may not have liked it, and that's you're right, but I personally feel that Bloodlines is ten times the RPG and game that Fallout 3 can ever hope to be. :shrug: