» Thu May 03, 2012 1:46 am
Went through your list, half asleep so, sorry if I post bugs that are on the list, just wanted to make sure they make it to the list. Again, sorry if I repost any bugs that have already been posted, I am half asleep.
ED-E get's stuck occassionally when fast traveling from the Nellis AFB Power Array to any other location, on the World Map it says he's still at the Power Array, but when the location is investigated, he's nowhere to be found.
Raul randomly runs off in a direction, slowing to a jog when you walk, and full tail running when you do. Running backwards seems to reset him.
When coming from one area from another, Rex appears to have come from the area you are entering. Example: While leaving Vault 3 and returning to the Mojave Wasteland, Rex runs to you from the Wastes, appearing to have come from the Wasteland, rather than returning to the Wastes with the PC.
Unkown if this happens elsewhere, but when taking the items in the NCR Safehouse (NCR Ranger Combat Armour, NCR Ranger Helmet, NCR Salvaged Power Armour, NCR Salvaged Power Helmet, Trail Carbine, Assault Carbine, Hunting Revolver, NCR Ranger Patrol Armour), the items weight is applied, but they do not appear in the Pip-Boy interface. Leaving the Pip-Boy and re entering seems to make the items appear in the Pip-Boy.
Gatling Laser/Grenade Machinegun appear on the PC's wrist when taking off/equipping Power Armour (Remnants and Gannon Family Tesla Armour Included) and NCR Ranger Combat Armour, cannot confirm other armours as this is the only armour I've noticed it with. Cycling through your hot key'd items once or twice seems to reset it.
Dropping the cards required for Dead Money's "Dead Man's Hand" challenge, and picking it up, add's to the complettion of the challenge.