Unless it needs to occur in the context of a future game, I will never define a canonical ending to Fallout: New Vegas. The reason we gave you all of those endings and ways to do things was to tell you that whatever ending YOU make is the right ending. It is the heart of what I believe RPGs are about.
Anyone else find this interesting?
Knowing that Bethesda is in charge....isn't it fairly likely New Vegas won't HAVE a canon ending? That the Courier could be the final protagonist of the west coast? I mean, Bethesda took over the series and, either out of respect for FO1 and FO2 or out of fear that they would NOT be able to please the fans if they tried to continue on the west coast, they moved the location east, where nothing they could do could screw up the core region story. Would Bethesda ever want to move there? In my opinion, that's doubtful, again because I'm sure there's an amount of respect involved, knowing that the Elder scrolls is their baby and they wouldn't like it if someone rewrote the direction of the series after Skyrim, AND because I'm willing to bet Bethesda is interested in crafting their own story on the East Coast.
Having said that, what are the odds we'll see Obsidian back? I'm not sure, but if they don't come back, then assuming that Bethesda won't touch the west and knowing that Bethesda is very allergic to canon endings (even when neccesary....friggin' Warp in the West....

How do you feel about this? Would you prefer knowing what the intended ending was or would you prefer not having a canon story muddle with your RP character?
Personally I find it kind of sad. It's a possibility I can accept because, in a way, the ending was sort of about the Courier realizing what an impact he has on the world and then moving forward to try and correct his wrongdoings and build up a new nation (perhaps not as it's leader, but again, the point of the ending was to say ANYONE can make or break a nation). If the Courier's future impact on those nations remains a mystery, I can accept that because the Courier's motives were unclear to begin with. The story itself, to me, seems to imply a Courier who's a deep thinker when it comes to philosophical discussions, often pondering on what the best solution truly is, but he himself isn't sure of the answer or what he truly wants, so an air of mystery where we never know actually sounds somewhat fitting. Knowing that the Courier was basically tackling enormous philosophical questions such as "what is right" that humanity itself can't define means that yeah, it's probably impossible for Obsidian to design a truly fitting ending that actually provides closure to the story and not just a personality outline for the Courier. I can "let go" of my desire to know the ending for these reasons.
Nevertheless though, New Vegas was so well-written that I do want to wonder what would happen in the end, if Obsidian had a say. If not for the sake of knowing the ending, then for the sake of knowing what they wanted to do with the series.
Any thoughts?