Or you could just make your character based of you - Or arnt you'' kick ass? '' maybe your really boring... or ugly i don't care. You'll have much more fun being true to yourself.
I've never made a "me" character in any game I've played. I find it much more enjoyable to dream up something new.

Edit: now that I think about it, that's not true. Once, I made a "me" character.... in a pen-and-paper GURPS game, massively-multi-world crossover style. So I made me, with latent psychic powers.... and tried to match the skills & stats to real world. All the powergamers in the group were complaining about how many points I'd wasted on mediocre skills that wouldn't help with anything useful. Heh.
(and it turned out they really weren't..... but very little would have been - my character died in a car accident halfway through the first game session. Whee?)