Fallout New Vegas DLC problems

Post » Mon Jul 18, 2011 4:59 am

when i download and install dead money to my copy of fallout new Vegas for the PS3 nothing shows up when i go to downloadable content on the on the main menu or when i play the game and by that i mean no radio announcement from my pip-boy. just wanted to know if other people have been having the same problem and if Bethesda knows about this and if they are working on some sort of patch to fix it because i spent 9.99 on dead money and it is really upsetting that i can't play it.
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Post » Mon Jul 18, 2011 12:25 pm

ok probably pot calling the kettle black here, but there are already a million posts on this topic. A few written by me, its an issue, they are ignoring it.(as far as my unprofessional assessment can tell). Hope this is about ass helpful as bethesda is being to us!
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