Fallout New Vegas ENGING!

Post » Sun Jan 24, 2010 1:56 am

Dude. Relax. You've got about 2,000,000 more posts to go before they even consider making you a moderator.

-Gunny out.

I'd be a pretty kickass cannibal parasite beetle jello-o horse feet rock Bob goldfish mod. :disguise:
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Soku Nyorah
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Post » Sun Jan 24, 2010 2:34 am

dude its a typo dont need to be a dike about it

I agree. There are much more important things for me to go be a dike about.

I'd be a pretty kickass cannibal parasite beetle jello-o horse feet rock Bob goldfish mod. :disguise:

I vote Gabe for honorary moderator.
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Post » Sun Jan 24, 2010 12:56 pm

yeah they have the thing that said the game would end but fall out 3 had an ending also but did it end no i can still play with the same person a started with they just shouldnt have just ended the game like that it just takes all the fun out of it that and now that i have a save in the same place one ? is how the hell can i help the ncr for the ending if the ncr are trying to kill me

Make more saves. You'd be in the same boat if the game glitched and messed up a quest by npc moron behavior or save corruption. Your asking for trouble not making multiple saves with this game engine.
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Marion Geneste
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Post » Sun Jan 24, 2010 1:45 pm

yeah they have the thing that said the game would end but fall out 3 had an ending also but did it end no i can still play with the same person a started with they just shouldnt have just ended the game like that it just takes all the fun out of it that and now that i have a save in the same place one ? is how the hell can i help the ncr for the ending if the ncr are trying to kill me

Maybe you haven t noticed, but fo3 and nv are not the same. One has very close to a solid ending (very easy to ad on to) The other has 4 different endings. It is not possible to add to nv endings.
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Kelvin Diaz
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Post » Sun Jan 24, 2010 10:46 am

OK so i liked fallout 3 you end the game the fun didnt stop you could still run around lvl up and do all the stuff you couldnt do ealier in the game awsome !!! but wtf is with the end of new vegas i mean relly how are you going to just end it like that there are still alot of places and people that need to be found and killed i dont think it made any since i wasnt done with the game and now i have to restart just to do the stuff i missed the fist go if i wanted to play a game like that i would play a game without a random story line SO gamesas PLZ FIX THE ENDING IN YOUR NEXT PATCH I WANT TO FINISH WHAT I STARTED JUST NOT WITH ME WALKING DOWN TRAIN TRACKS !!!!! my vote is fix it

You're an idiot. I don't even have to reply to your request, as many others have already ridiculed you.
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Yvonne Gruening
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Post » Sun Jan 24, 2010 1:23 am

No. Why fix it it's not broken? You had to pay $10 to continue in FO3 and it ruined the ending.
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Victoria Bartel
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Post » Sun Jan 24, 2010 7:58 am


Third(ed)! :lol:

Its not broken, its by design, and for a reason. (several really.)
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Red Sauce
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Post » Sun Jan 24, 2010 11:16 am

yeah they have the thing that said the game would end but fall out 3 had an ending also but did it end no i can still play with the same person a started with they just shouldnt have just ended the game like that it just takes all the fun out of it that and now that i have a save in the same place one ? is how the hell can i help the ncr for the ending if the ncr are trying to kill me

How does it take all of the fun out of the game? How does it take any of the fun out of them game? Originally, Fallout 3 did have and ending. And it did end the game. Until Broken Steel came along, which completely ruined that atmosphere it left in my opinion.

What do you mean how can you help the NCR if they are trying to kill you? You don't. Its a role-playing game, RPG's revolve around the choices YOU make. You pissed off the NCR, thats your fault. Time to make a new character.

Also, Fallout 3 had a single ending, dependent only on the choice you made at the end. New Vegas's ending is dynamic based on the many choices you made during the whole course of the game. If it did go on, they would not tailor a result for each ending to be added into the actual game.

Im new to this but, how do you know what ending really happens in NV do you wait for a new game to come out to see what really took place or what?

You wait till Fallout 4 and see what Bethesda/Obsidian puts as canon. I'm placing my bets on Independent New Vegas becoming canon.
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Haley Merkley
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Post » Sun Jan 24, 2010 12:21 am

@.46ACP...dude you are crackin me up! :biggrin:
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louise hamilton
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Post » Sun Jan 24, 2010 5:55 am

If you have it for consoles, just save right before doing the main quest and have fun, go crazy. Maybe, highly unlikely but maybe, there might be a DLC or series of DLCs specifically for the ending.

If you have it for PC, simply download a main quest extender mod which does absolutely nothing but allows you to continue. That's what I'm doing. Simply either mod the game yourself or wait for a large overhaul mod to extend the ending.

I will not ridicule you since I too hate the ending but I learn to tolerate and adapt to it. For both consoles and PC there's an option.
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Post » Sun Jan 24, 2010 5:03 pm

Half the fun of the game is replaying the exact same levels and missions with different characters. Have you ever played the game through with a character that has an intelligence of 1 and a strength of 10... I'd almost forgotten what it was like to talk to people by the time I reached the strip. On my second play through I maxed out my unarmed and melee...there is nothing as satisfying as punching an NCR trooper in the face with a power fist and watching there head explode, and decapitated body fly into a wall. On another play through, I maxed out my sneak and explosives. I then proceeded to cottonwood cove and planted mines in the pockets of every legionair I could see, ten times better than nailing a headshot! If you're feeling like a jerk, you can also bring Boon with you to cottonwood cove, and as he is about to run in, plant a mine on him, then stand back and watch the fireworks.
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Rob Smith
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Post » Sun Jan 24, 2010 2:31 pm

Do you have any idea how difficult it would be to customize the world for an Independent New Vegas, or one run by Ceasar's Legion?
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Post » Sun Jan 24, 2010 3:58 am


Why must people type in such huge fonts.

Anyway I wouldn't hold you breath for an extension DLC (or hold your breath i'm not too fussed)

We need a huge sticky thread at the top of the page which explains the ending. Failure to read that thread results in Fisto visting you in the night.
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Sylvia Luciani
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Post » Sun Jan 24, 2010 4:11 pm

I liked the way, after the DLC, you could carry on playing F3 and I like the way F:NV has a real ending, it makes it a complete and satisfying experience.

Anyone who whizzes through the game and misses some of the quests and locations can either start again or download the very small http://www.newvegasnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=34811.
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Cameron Wood
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Post » Sun Jan 24, 2010 6:53 am

I love the ending. My actions actually changed the wasteland, unlike another Fallout game.
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Brian LeHury
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Post » Sun Jan 24, 2010 6:47 am

No. The game warns you its going to end. Can't people read? Do the quests you want to do before the game ends. Make a save at the point where the game tells you there is no going back if you keep going along the main quest!

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Post » Sun Jan 24, 2010 4:59 am

How much handholding do some players need!
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Rachie Stout
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Post » Sun Jan 24, 2010 3:31 pm

OK so i liked fallout 3 you end the game the fun didnt stop you could still run around lvl up and do all the stuff you couldnt do ealier in the game awsome !!! but wtf is with the end of new vegas i mean relly how are you going to just end it like that there are still alot of places and people that need to be found and killed i dont think it made any since i wasnt done with the game and now i have to restart just to do the stuff i missed the fist go if i wanted to play a game like that i would play a game without a random story line SO gamesas PLZ FIX THE ENDING IN YOUR NEXT PATCH I WANT TO FINISH WHAT I STARTED JUST NOT WITH ME WALKING DOWN TRAIN TRACKS !!!!! my vote is fix it

Here we go again...
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meghan lock
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Post » Sun Jan 24, 2010 10:46 am

...and yet another one that ignored the giant pop-up telling him he was going to end the game. Bet he only used quicksave and autosave for the whole story line.

Plop down a single hardsave in the right place (when you run into the pop-up warning) and all your problems go away.
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Teghan Harris
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Post » Sun Jan 24, 2010 4:49 am

Like you said this is Obsidian's game and the Devs of Obsidian said they will not make a DLC to continue the story like Broken Steel did for Fallout 3.

They won't because it can't be done without removing the endings or making several new Mojaves to reflect every possible change caused by the endings.

Fallout is a story. It has a beginning and an ending. All Fallouts had an ending, even Fallout 3 but it as total crap. So they added yet more Enclave and in doing so made the entire enclave plot in Fallout 3 pointless. :rolleyes:

Why have play after the end? Just so you can run around till you finally get bored and start a new character? Samething can be done with making a save :facepalm:

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Joey Bel
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Post » Sun Jan 24, 2010 3:25 am

...and yet another one that ignored the giant pop-up telling him he was going to end the game. Bet he only used quicksave and autosave for the whole story line.

Plop down a single hardsave in the right place (when you run into the pop-up warning) and all your problems go away.

I've actually refined my hard saves to the point that they're like portraits. I always pose my characters with the clothing and weapon they used the most during their playthrough in a spot that has some kind of major significance to them. Always make the save in 3rd person, and try to frame the shot just right. Flipping through my old saved characters is like thumbing through grandma's old family album.

-Gunny out.
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Ian White
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Post » Sun Jan 24, 2010 3:54 am

I've actually refined my hard saves to the point that they're like portraits. I always pose my characters with the clothing and weapon they used the most during their playthrough in a spot that has some kind of major significance to them. Always make the save in 3rd person, and try to frame the shot just right. Flipping through my old saved characters is like thumbing through grandma's old family album.

-Gunny out.

While I can tell what I am doing by just looking at a wall or door, like a interior design catalog.
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Post » Sun Jan 24, 2010 12:03 pm

Why hasn't a Moderator shut this thread down...

He gets the idea that he's [censored] up so leave it at that.
-Paladin Kodiak Out
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Ebony Lawson
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Post » Sun Jan 24, 2010 8:35 am

Why hasn't a Moderator shut this thread down...

He gets the idea that he's [censored] up so leave it at that.
-Paladin Kodiak Out

There is a handy Report Button. You can use it and ask the Moderators :thumbsup:
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Tha King o Geekz
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Post » Sun Jan 24, 2010 3:53 pm

Ok, Op, yes there are a number of people upset that the game ends. There are many who like it as it is and the bottom line is that this game ends. A lot of games have endings.

Anyway, folks are flaming and spamming and thus it's best to just close this down before I get angry and start handing out warnings left and right.
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