I think most people who played it got frustrated by the fact that once you visited somewhere once, there was absolutely no point visiting it again.
I had to go back to Vault 22 several times. (Once for mantis eggs, once for HEPA filters, once for There Stands The Grass.) I had to go back to Vault 11 twice. I had to go back to Forlorn hope several times. Ditto Nellis. All this to complete quests.
I don't really see what you're talking about here.
I can understand this if you clear out a vault of something. But when you can walk from Mojave outpost to Goodsprings without drawing your weapon once because you already walked that way, once, that isn't taxing, it's boring.
What are you talking about? The critters along that route respawn. The convicts in Primm don't once you do the sheriff quest though, but everything else in that area does.
Anyway, three hundred million sounds like a lot, but you have to factor in the cost to make the game too to get actual profit.