The community manager, Gstaff, is currently working on finding out what the exact details regarding this matter are. He said he would have more info no later than monday, so keep your eyes peeled for any post by him.

Oh and the guys making FNV are called Obsidian, not Oblivion.

But I do share your feelings on this issue. I'm going to be pretty pissed off if I decide to go to midnight release, get home with my shiny CE box and find out I won't be able to play it until the afternoon on Tuesday. Gonna be depressing if that happens.... :cold:
I'm hoping that the news is good - I can't believe they would send thousands upon thousands of us midnight releases only to get home and find we're stranded for 12 hours. I don't know about you, but I would complain loud and strong for a long time as I'm sure alot of peeps would. An error this large that sends us out of way for a special release time better deliver on that promise when I try to load the game at 1am on the 19th or there is going to be an angry mob about. It would call into question the entire concept of doing midnight releases, and I'm pretty sure that the corporate folks at GameStop will be quite mad actually as much of the ire would be re-directed back at the GameStops (because complaints here won't give the satisfaction of standing there yelling at someone about it, they get locked and warned). I'm sure alot of those people would sware-off ever going to the GameStop again, and I further GECKulate that some very angry calls would take place between GameStop corporate folks and Bethesda or Obsidian corporate folks that morning if the game isn't un-locked - GameStop _would_ loose business over something like that.
In summary this would be a HUGE embarrassment for Bethesda, Obsidian, Steam and GameStop if the game fails to unlock after doing a midnight release, and the storm of complaints that will follow would be not be pretty. It comes down to logistics and planning - did the Bethesda/Obsidian producers think ahead and realize that midnight releasers from GameStops and other stores would need immediate unlock anytime on the 19th they try to connect? This is the question, and I hope Gstaff and the producers gets through to Steam folks on Monday to confirm that we're good to go. The really Good news is that they have Monday (business day) to make sure that this doesn't happen, which is plenty of time.
When I think through all the consequences of this, I have to believe that they thought of this and that the game will unlock - but in this case I'm very glad we're threading about it as at least Gstaff saw it and is working the problem. If we did identify something they didn't think of, we'll never know it, but at least our games will unlock anytime on the 19th!
So here's hoping for Good logistics in this release, literally thousands of peeps are counting on it.

P.S. Imagine this scene: The entire Obsidian team is hanging out at GameStop in Irvine CA the night of the release. Peep goes, gets game, gets game signed, goes home. Peep can't unlock game, goes back to GameStop and confronts Obsidian team right on the spot... Ummm ouch? I bet you lunch it will happen if they don't get this right!