Fallout: New Vegas not as fun as Fallout 3? Why?

Post » Thu Jan 15, 2009 11:45 pm

Combat FO3 wins
Enemies: F03 wins
Exploring: FO3 Wins
Quests: NV wins
Story: NV wins
Originality: NV wins
Music: Draw
Complexity (Factions/choices etc...) - NV wins
Crafting: NV wins
Housing: Draw

Fixed that for you.

By all rights I should like New Vegas over FO3, but the seems to be a few things lacking in NV that FO3 does better (IMO) , and for me that makes the difference. Make no mistake, I still love NV and still have 87 hours on my current character, with more than half of the main quest left to go.
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Post » Thu Jan 15, 2009 5:51 pm

Because New Vegas is not "Oblivion with guns" :D.

I find New Vegas alot more enjoyable then FO3 because its writing is better and its alot like the Originals.
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Rik Douglas
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Post » Fri Jan 16, 2009 3:15 am

I hate New Vegas, it's just Fallout 3 with guns.
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Brιonα Renae
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Post » Thu Jan 15, 2009 10:18 pm

i played the first games a few months ago they were ok, i think if i played them when they came out i would have loved them,
i love fallout 3 my best game, i have played through the game about four times , and getting about 100 hours of gameplay from one playthrough, thats without dlc hours
when i got fallout new vegas i liked it because it was more fallout but the more i played it the more i hated it, i did everything there is to do in the game and only got 60 hours of gameplay, it felt like it was lacking something the hole time i played it,
it didnt svck me into the world like fallout 3 did there was no emotion in the game, the story was predictble and boring, and felt like what the hell does all this have to do with my guy/the courier,
the exploration was very disapointing, i discoverd all the locations in the game in about 6 hours, and there was nothing in them most places were empty, it also had no back story to the locations
in fallout 3 it takes a very long time to go to all the locations, and all of them have a backstory, and something to find
i think fallout NV is bad game, lacking the quaity that fallout 3 has
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Nick Jase Mason
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Post » Fri Jan 16, 2009 7:39 am

I prefer the radio music in FO3 as it's more my cuppa' tea.
I also like the style of music that NV has, however there seems little variety to it and we allready own certain tracks in our collection from yoinks back.

NV however makes up for this with the background music, which fits and is far more enjoyable than the radio imo.
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Post » Fri Jan 16, 2009 1:35 am

the story was predictble and boring, and felt like what the hell does all this have to do with my guy/the courier,

This is true, despite what people seem to have convinced themselves. From a storytelling point of view, there's no driver for the Courier after he kills Benny to do anything. What's your motivation for siding with House/YesMan/Caesar/NCR?
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Post » Fri Jan 16, 2009 8:47 am

This is true, despite what people seem to have convinced themselves. From a storytelling point of view, there's no driver for the Courier after he kills Benny to do anything. What's your motivation for siding with House/YesMan/Caesar/NCR?

Whats the Motivation to help Dad in FO3? Guy took off without telling you. Playing as an Evil character why would you even care about project purity? FO3 only has two roles "Good or Evil."
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Post » Thu Jan 15, 2009 11:31 pm

i played the first games a few months ago they were ok, i think if i played them when they came out i would have loved them,
i love fallout 3 my best game, i have played through the game about four times , and getting about 100 hours of gameplay from one playthrough, thats without dlc hours
when i got fallout new vegas i liked it because it was more fallout but the more i played it the more i hated it, i did everything there is to do in the game and only got 60 hours of gameplay, it felt like it was lacking something the hole time i played it,
it didnt svck me into the world like fallout 3 did there was no emotion in the game, the story was predictble and boring, and felt like what the hell does all this have to do with my guy/the courier,
the exploration was very disapointing, i discoverd all the locations in the game in about 6 hours, and there was nothing in them most places were empty, it also had no back story to the locations
in fallout 3 it takes a very long time to go to all the locations, and all of them have a backstory, and something to find
i think fallout NV is bad game, lacking the quaity that fallout 3 has

Fallout 3 lack of the qualities for even a Fallout game, its like that Bethesda rebooted the story for themselves without caring too much in the lore

That's the Motivation to help Dad in FO3? Guy took off without telling you. Playing as an Evil character why would you even care about project purity?


I want to join the Enclave, but NO, They forced me to help my Daddy who abbandoned me, and help a bunch of techno white knights who suffer of character derailments
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Jose ordaz
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Post » Fri Jan 16, 2009 2:29 am

New Vegas Has.

Damage Threshold
Reputation System
Multiple endings
Joinable Factions
Better Story/writing
Better Followers
The right atmosphere.

If all you really care about is exploring and latest graphics you won't like New Vegas as much or at all. Its just the style you like to play. Just Fallout needs more then poinless exploring and shiny toys to be a Fallout game imo.
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Lynette Wilson
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Post » Fri Jan 16, 2009 4:38 am

I like Fallout better than Fallout: New Vegas because there was more to do and explore in Fallout.
I think most people are saying they like New Vegas because it's a brand new game right now.

There are some generic caves to explore in New Vegas, but most buildings are boarded up,
the only area in New Vegas I think is fun is Vault 34, other than that, there's really not
a lot to see or explore....to me New Vegas is a snooze-fest
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Emily Jeffs
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Post » Fri Jan 16, 2009 1:17 am

I'm at the stage where I'm creating alts, but I feel like there isn't enough to do. I finished all four story lines, and each character was specialized in a different combat skill each time. I've practically use every weapon by now, and the secondary skills don't make the game that much more enjoyable either. I guess the game wasn't meant for players who log an insane amount of hours, but it feels like I've done everything. :rolleyes:

Even though I didn't play FO3 as much as NV, it felt more challenging. I always remember struggling against the higher level super mutants and the Behemoths. Now all I get are Deathclaws, Cazadores, and NPC's with pretty crappy AI.
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Post » Thu Jan 15, 2009 8:04 pm

I like Fallout better than Fallout: New Vegas because there was more to do and explore in Fallout.
I think most people are saying they like New Vegas because it's a brand new game right now.

Yeah you're right it has nothing to do with better writing, character creation, and being more like the originals. Its only liked because its new :rolleyes:
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Post » Fri Jan 16, 2009 12:59 am

I don't see what is run about running into the same enemies over and over again in Fallout 3, especially when there is almost no originality to them and 90% of them were rehashed from the previous games in the series. Seriously I hated running through DC killing Super mutants at level 4 with a hunting rifle, grinding through the Metro tunnels getting lost and having to kill hordes of raiders and feral ghouls. Why is it fun to explore the Capital wasteland? F3 locations had no backstory, and almost no tough decisions. With only 4 people per town and a total of 5 towns its gets pretty boring.
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Post » Fri Jan 16, 2009 3:00 am

I think most people are saying they like New Vegas because it's a brand new game right now.

No, when FO3 was release I hoped for a good revival for the series, sadly that never happened, thats a new game in that moment that I never liked, and even if FO4 is released, if is more of the same plainly shooter of FO3, Im gonna stick with New Vegas,

Seriously I hated running through DC killing Super mutants at level 4 with a hunting rifle

Level scaling makes one crazy XD, thanks god that NV have the old system
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Post » Thu Jan 15, 2009 9:26 pm

there is more depth to FNV. you get a quest from red lucy to get some items. and you go around collecting stuff and killing what get in your way. then travel to camp mcCarran. a quest there has the PC try to convince a woman who has been [censored] while she was on a mission to seek professional to cope with the trauma it caused. go to bitter springs and confront the sniper there. i try not to kill him because i understand his need for revenge. the game does cause me to stop and think a bit. talk to Chief Hanlon, can you blame him for what he did?
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Post » Fri Jan 16, 2009 4:36 am

Try and just explore the Mojave, dont go chasing quests, they will find you. Make diffrent player builds, for diffrent sides, look for unique weapons. But if you simply prefear Fallout 3 thats okay

Explore the Mojave? - it's a desert and an empty one at that - far too many locations that contain nothing but a shack or better yet, the toxic dump outside of Novac - yet it has a location marker!? why? - that's right, they needed you to think the game was overloaded with locations. This game suffers the same as Fallout 3 - lots locations but you can't enter most of what you see/find - outside the strip is overflowing with building but how many can we go in and explore - half a dozen? maybe a dozen? - Fallout 3 does the same when you get to D.C. - all those buildings, yet you can only go in few.
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JD bernal
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Post » Fri Jan 16, 2009 3:07 am

Explore the Mojave? - it's a desert and an empty one at that - far too many locations that contain nothing but a shack or better yet, the toxic dump outside of Novac - yet it has a location marker!? why? - that's right, they needed you to think the game was overloaded with locations. This game suffers the same as Fallout 3 - lots locations but you can't enter most of what you see/find - outside the strip is overflowing with building but how many can we go in and explore - half a dozen? maybe a dozen? - Fallout 3 does the same when you get to D.C. - all those buildings, yet you can only go in few.

Engine limits, they are using a overused engine since 2002, and its a deserts, it should be enmpty
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Post » Thu Jan 15, 2009 8:41 pm

I like Fallout better than Fallout: New Vegas because there was more to do and explore in Fallout.
I think most people are saying they like New Vegas because it's a brand new game right now.
I like Fallout better any of the others, but you do not seem to be talking about Fallout, it sounds like you mean Fallout 3. ~Big difference :shrug:

There are some generic caves to explore in New Vegas, but most buildings are boarded up,
the only area in New Vegas I think is fun is Vault 34, other than that, there's really not
a lot to see or explore....to me New Vegas is a snooze-fest
Explore the Mojave? - it's a desert and an empty one at that - far too many locations that contain nothing but a shack or better yet, the toxic dump outside of Novac - yet it has a location marker!? why? - that's right, they needed you to think the game was overloaded with locations. This game suffers the same as Fallout 3 - lots locations but you can't enter most of what you see/find - outside the strip is overflowing with building but how many can we go in and explore - half a dozen? maybe a dozen? - Fallout 3 does the same when you get to D.C. - all those buildings, yet you can only go in few.
I think these are cases of "where is the soda amongst all that tea?". I was impressed with that toxic dump. and I suspect its being called a "snooze-fest" for some of the very reasons (that I believe) they got just right. A desert should not be rife with active mobs or full of neighboring hideouts filled with raiders or wild dogs. The desert in FO:NV looks and plays a lot like the desert in FO2 I think ~but in 3D; It was a pleasant surprise.

People have different tastes and enjoy different styles of games. Fallout New Vegas is not sequel to Fallout 3 ~its closer to the core Fallout series (of which Fallout 3 is the deviation). Fallout 4 will most likely be more like Fallout 3 and cut some of the mechanics and pacing of New Vegas.
It pains me to say it, but Fallout New Vegas is the spin off now, while Fallout 3 (the original spin off) is considered by most to be Fallout itself. :sadvaultboy:
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luis dejesus
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Post » Thu Jan 15, 2009 9:13 pm

Please, can you define originality, because the plot is just James+FO1 Plot+FO2 Plot

F03 was a completely different game (design) then the first two. they are all linked via plot to some degree. Thus originality.

NV had zero game inovations over F03, it was a retread.

Hope that clears it up.
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Post » Fri Jan 16, 2009 8:25 am

Fixed that for you.

By all rights I should like New Vegas over FO3, but the seems to be a few things lacking in NV that FO3 does better (IMO) , and for me that makes the difference. Make no mistake, I still love NV and still have 87 hours on my current character, with more than half of the main quest left to go.

Can't really fix my opinion, but you can have your own! And I agree with you, thats why there are things from both games that I like.
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sam smith
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Post » Fri Jan 16, 2009 8:54 am

F03 was a completely different game (design) then the first two. they are all linked via plot to some degree. Thus originality.

NV had zero game inovations over F03, it was a retread.

Hope that clears it up.
Wait a minute... Fallout was the original RPG "without all the elves and... stuff". Fallout 3 made it primarily a first person shooter (sharing qualities with the last 500 other shooters). It has it's RPG aspect, but its hardly original... It was taken from TES. Bethesda has made only variants of the exact same game for over a decade.

*Good ones too, but not very original IMO. If you stripped everything of Fallout 1 & 2 away from Fallout 3... what exactly would you have left?
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Jimmie Allen
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Post » Fri Jan 16, 2009 2:20 am

F03 was a completely different game (design) then the first two. they are all linked via plot to some degree. Thus originality.

NV had zero game inovations over F03, it was a retread.

Hope that clears it up.

So all the characters like Marcus and Cassidy, Enclave remnants and mentions of the Chosen One had nothing to do with FO2?

FO3 just took the BoS and stuck them there in DC. No reaons why or how they go there. Enclave that were wiped out in FO2 brough back in huge numbers because they need a bad guy. No mention of events in the original fallouts. Location over 3000 miles away for Original Locations.
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Post » Fri Jan 16, 2009 12:40 am

One complaint I have about the entire series, is that it is inexorably moving forward in years,
and civilization.

I wish they would "go back in time" to about when the original Fallout took place, or even earlier if possible,
the world was so much more dangerous and survival was a lot more urgent than it is in the newer games, because
towns and cities and governments are being established and the wasteland is just
becoming too "Civilized", Fallout is just starting to turn into a FPS/RPG with boarded up buildings.

I'd rather feel the sense of urgency and mystery of being tossed out of a vault maybe 50 years
after the bombs dropped.....and get that "Alone" feeling I got with Fallout 1.

I wasn't too happy with Fallout 2, because gameplay-wise, to me Fallout 1 was like "Mad Max: The Road Warrior" (awesome)
and Fallout 2 was "Mad Max: Thunderdome" (too much organized civilization)
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Alan Whiston
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Post » Fri Jan 16, 2009 7:34 am

One complaint I have about the entire series, is that it is inexorably moving forward in years,
and civilization.

I wish they would "go back in time" to about when the original Fallout took place, or even earlier if possible,
the world was so much more dangerous and survival was a lot more urgent than it is in the newer games, because
towns and cities and governments are being established and the wasteland is just
becoming too "Civilized", Fallout is just starting to turn into a FPS/RPG with boarded up buildings.

I'd rather feel the sense of urgency and mystery of being tossed out of a vault maybe 50 years
after the bombs dropped.....and get that "Alone" feeling I got with Fallout 1.

I wasn't too happy with Fallout 2, because gameplay-wise, to me Fallout 1 was like "Mad Max: The Road Warrior" (awesome)
and Fallout 2 was "Mad Max: Thunderdome" (too much organized civilization)

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Melung Chan
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Post » Fri Jan 16, 2009 1:40 am

... Fallout is just starting to turn into a FPS/RPG with boarded up buildings.
Pardon? :blink:

**Edit: I misread this. I apologize; I see what you meant.

I'd rather feel the sense of urgency and mystery of being tossed out of a vault maybe 50 years
after the bombs dropped.....and get that "Alone" feeling I got with Fallout 1.
IMO FO3 had too much of the "50 years after the bombs dropped", and too little of that "Alone" feeling I got with Fallout 1.
But I would never expect that ~again in a sequel from two centuries later. That's like wanting 'Star Trek tos' in 'Start trek tng'; isn't it?
Fallout 2 had already moved on; moved on to actual money too.

I wasn't too happy with Fallout 2, because gameplay-wise, to me Fallout 1 was like "Mad Max: The Road Warrior" (awesome)
and Fallout 2 was "Mad Max: Thunderdome" (too much organized civilization)
I agree with you here, but I don't see it as a bad thing, I see it as plausible development... and liked it.
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