1:22 to 1:27 is a very interesting segment. 1st off, Cazadore and some gun I can't identify. 2nd TV robot firing rockets and plasma rifle. 3rd Big Horner (BADASS!). 4th Something can anyone tell me what's going on there? (In 1:26-1:27)
Missile Platform deserve another mention. No love of it, guys?
Well, it looks like some artillery cannon exploding. In fact, it almost looks like the cannons from Operation Anchorage.... :spotted owl:
Here's what I saw from memory (just went back through it):
New weapons
New Armor
New buildings
New places
New landscapes
(basically a whole lot more meshes and textures than people thought)
We see a sneak peak at gambling
New creatures
Plants. Living plants. It is 203 years later, the place wasn't bombed, so I'm fine with that.
New animations (you see some of the redone ones)
Somebody else can do the specific stuff

Gladly. :celebration:
Any other cool finds? Noticed there were tally marks on the rangers helmet at 1:37. Also, curious what on earth the courier was shooting at from 1:39...
Gah, was Ninja'd. And speaking of Ninjas, looks like Caesar's Legion has some assassins. :ninja: