I was reading the stuff on this thread and decided I should point out some of the things in NV that I thought were, flawed in my opinion. I would have to say the first big thing that stood out was how interwoven all of the quest lines were in the game. I like having a lot of different directions to go in an RPG; but, I don't want my decision to do one quest to have an impact on 20 other quests I haven't even done yet. That only makes the game annoyingly complicated; having to sit there and devise some kind of a path to go down, long before you even start the game, so that you can get the best experience out of the game. That's just absurd.
Faction armor. I know it's interest to throw on a piece of faction armor and suddenly everyone in that faction doesn't care who you are and yet to everyone else in the game you are KOS; but, I like to be able to throw on whatever armor is most appealing to me and not have to worry about trivial consequences when I am doing my stuff in the wasteland. I'm sure others agree with me on that; I've seen numerous complaints.
Too many different types of ammunition. The OP already mentioned this; but, what is the point in carrying a dozen different types of ammo when you can carry a dozen different types of weapons all at once? Makes no sense.
At level cap and 100pts in guns, when I shoot a legionair in the face with a 50 caliber rifle, his head should disappear in an instant. Nope, not in NV, their heads have Adamantium plating in them. Make it so that at end game, difficulty doesn't equal fighting superhumans. I thought one of the more interesting parts of the game was sneaking into Nellis, through the artillery barrage, that's clever difficulty. Making an NPC that can take over 1000 rounds from a minigun, that's lazy difficulty.
I would have liked to actually have joined some of the major factions in the game, to further the immersion; but, even at end game when you are doing their most dangerous missions they treat you like you are some nobody, that makes about as much sense as Emperor Tiber Septum recruiting convicts to save the world (Elder Scrolls *cough* *cough*). At least in the Elder Scrolls you could join every guild in the game and it had little effect on how people reacted to you in other guilds; because, even in the more sinister organizations you operated discretely so, it had no effect on your public influence, how hard would it be to do that with opposed factions in Fallout?
I'm sure some people enjoy those strange and pointless features I've mentioned above; but, in the end, they are just as I said, pointless in the grand scheme of things. It's nice to have choices in an RPG; but, when you go overboard you create clutter and no one really enjoys that. You'll find that more players than not, would rather rush through the game to the end when faced with an overwhelming number of choices. See when, you have several linear paths; it allows for more immersive replayablity. Each time they play the game, they can choose a totally unique path to follow that doesn't parallel a previous one. With the way you have the game set up now, all paths have numerous cross roads and so you are always going to be stuck with the same choices in the end, just with minor alterations to the over all outcome. I wouldn't want to play Fallout New Vegas a second time, just to see what Vegas would be like if I didn't put a bullet in Mr. House's crippled body, because frankly the storylines were so weak, I don't really care to know the alternate endings.
Agree with much of what you said.
To add my views:
Faction armor; does anyone use it, and if so how/why? If a faction hates you, I'm pretty sure you can't do their quests because of guards/dogs. If a faction hates you, why not kill them for XP and loot? Does anyone really keep 4+ faction armors (all heavy...) on them so they can run away from enemies that don't like them? lol
I've never used hollow point or armor piercing rounds. Never needed to. I don't like opening the pipboy too often and I play on a console so, switching ammo takes too long that by the time I get it loaded, I could have already killed the enemy. A useless feature, and dare I say FO3 did a better job of just using standard ammo types for all guns i.e. shotgun shells for shotguns. 56 ammo for assault rifles, 10mm for pistols, etc. less clutter the better imo.
I would have loved being able to join a faction. It would be a nice reward for all the work you did for them. Another idea would be to have different starting areas for creating new characters. Example:
Courier, starting in goodsprings.
BoS Paladin/Scribe starting in Hidden Valley.
Boomer, starting in Nellis.
Khan, Fiend, Powder Ganger, Follower, NCR scout/ranger (maybe get promoted to ranger by questing?) et cetera.
Would have added diversitiy and made a much better use of the factions. Additionally, you wouldn't be playing the same boring story each time of being shot in the face and surviving, helping/ignoring goodsprings and running through primm>novac. Boooring.
I also dislike how they made the ending of the game paramount of their design. Who really cares about endings for sandbox games? I didn't even get endings in my FO1 and 2 games, they never worked on my PC. They would always scroll by insanely fast (bugged of course) with no audio speech, making them worthless. When I finally beat NV I was like cool, yeah great um is this a book or a game? All that time making quests overly complicated made them buggy, and makes the player go through a lot of tedium.
I do like my game to be challenging though, 1-shot headshots are a no-no for me because, NV isn't an FPS. Your damage is affected by your gear and your stats. There are rifles in this game that yield 1 shot kills with sneak attacks

just gotta afford em/find em/level up some more.