I am a post-graduate student from Queensland University of Technology currently undertaking an academic research project into video game behaviours.
This research aims to create a link between a player’s personality and their playing style. By establishing this link, we hope help developers better understand their gaming audiences, thus creating better gaming experiences.
This survey is completely anonymous and voluntary. No names will be recorded or published and your individual results will not be published and all information will be used for purely academic purposes. Participants in the study who complete the study can choose to go into the draw to win a $100 Amazon (Amazon have no involvement with the study and neither they nor anyone else outside the research team will be given access to your data). If you choose to enter the draw for the voucher you will need to provide some basic contact information. However, your identity will not in any way be connected to your responses to the survey.
By submitting this survey you are agreeing to have your results counted and utilised in the overall study.
The following link will guide you to our online survey: https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/7TXZHGG
To allay any scam fears, this project has been cleared by the Ethics Unit. Ethical Clearance no. 1100001038