Hey guys, i have been thinking so many people adored the Fallout 3 game will Fallout: New Vegas have a complete different new story, just like Fallout 3 or will it relate to the Fallout 1 and Fallout 2 series? I already know that it does in some ways, but will it be major in the main story? As the creators have brought in some of the factions from the first two games. But my main point is, is that people who haven't played the first two (Fallout 1, Fallout 2) and possibly played Fallout 3 or even haven't played any Fallout games at all, will they still enjoy the storyline as if it was a complete different story and new game? (like Fallout 3)
I also know Obsidian have put in little Easter Eggs and things that do relate to the previous titles, but i just hope they haven't made anything from the previous Fallout games part of the main story in Fallout: New Vegas.
If you get my drift?

What are your thoughts?