Fallout New Vegas too hard?

Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 6:11 pm

This game seems a little too hard. I'm level 3 in Nipton and got the Cold, Cold hearts quest. So I head out to do that quest and a few npcs come and shoot me. I manage to get 1 dead barely but die to another one almost immediately after. This is on normal too. Is the game supposed to be this hard?
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 11:58 am

This game seems a little too hard. I'm level 3 in Nipton and got the Cold, Cold hearts quest. So I head out to do that quest and a few npcs come and shoot me. I manage to get 1 dead barely but die to another one almost immediately after. This is on normal too. Is the game supposed to be this hard?

Lower it if its too hard since you say you have it on normal
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Trista Jim
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 5:11 am

It's not hard, when you get higher levels you will get more powerful. If you were by Nipton, I would assume you were attacked by Jackals/Vipers? What are your stats,skills and weapons?
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Kirsty Wood
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 10:43 am

:rofl: New vegas hard? Lol.
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Russell Davies
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 8:13 am

It's not hard, when you get higher levels you will get more powerful. If you were by Nipton, I would assume you were attacked by Jackals/Vipers? What are your stats,skills and weapons?

Yeah it was jackals/vipers. As far as my stats

210 HP
80 AP
7,5,5,6,7,5,5 in S.P.E.C.I.A.L
45 guns, 21 melee weapons, 40 repair, 40 speech
Fast Shot, rapid reload, trigger discipline perks
I use a 9mm pistol but I frequently run out of ammo so I use a varmint rifle.
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bonita mathews
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 12:59 pm

Hmmmh. I know some Jacals/Vipers carry Cowboy Repeaters and Metal Armor. It seems they are better than you in terms of equipment, but that's it. Do you have any performance enhancing drugs such as Med-X or Psycho? Also, maybe try and hit a guy through sneak and get a "Sneak Attack Critical" to get an edge on a guy. If that is still a problem, I would highly suggest just avoiding them entirely and try to earn some better equipment. Varmint Rifle and 9mm pistols are okay, but you need something that could pack a better punch for level 3, such as a Cowboy Repeater or even a Service Rifle.

Head up to Mojave Outpost and find Ranger Jackson. He will have a fairly easy quest for you to do. Upon completion you get a Service Rifle and some ammo. That should hold you over for now.
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 3:48 am

I can try to head there but thats where i encountered the jackals, on the way there.
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Mrs. Patton
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 10:51 am

Yeah, they are at some kind of ruined building, no?

Try to use the sneak function and go around them. The only thing nearby I believe are Giant Ants, which aren't much of a fight if you don't get near them. Or try fast travelling from Nipton to somewhere safe.

Are you at a safe place now, or is your save file right at the Jackals little hide out?
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 4:55 pm

I just managed to make there. I went a few hundred yards off the main road to get there. One of them caught me but I think they gave up trying to kill me lol. I had to deal with a radscorpion but that was far easier than the jackals.
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 2:27 pm

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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 10:27 am

Actually, even as a clumsy oaf at these types of games, I've found New Vegas to be just right on "normal" mode. Sometimes it takes players a few hours to catch on to various tactical reactions to different combat situations.

Like when I first encounterd a deathclaw........"run away, run away!"
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Rhiannon Jones
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 4:58 pm

How did you get to Nipton without encountering those Jackals on the way there, in the first place? What path did you take? Just curious. I assume the railroad track path from Goodsprings?
They shouldn't be that much harder than grouped up Powder Gangers, really...not at the level you're at. They don't increase their gear until around level 7 or 9 or something, last I knew.

Anyway...as you discovered, usually you can take a wide arc around an obstacle like that, and deal with something less dangerous. Or sneak and then when/if sneak fails, just try running like mad. ;D
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Sarah MacLeod
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 3:51 am

Normal is easy. Just think before you do anything. Tactics, sneak, all of that good stuff.
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 3:26 pm

How are you only level 3 and at Nipton? Thats a very low level to even be remotely near Nipton. You should be level 3 by the time you're about to leave Goodsprings if you do everything in Goodsprings. =/
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Kahli St Dennis
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 2:17 pm

Yeah it was jackals/vipers. As far as my stats

210 HP
80 AP
7,5,5,6,7,5,5 in S.P.E.C.I.A.L
45 guns, 21 melee weapons, 40 repair, 40 speech
Fast Shot, rapid reload, trigger discipline perks
I use a 9mm pistol but I frequently run out of ammo so I use a varmint rifle.

The game is very easy if you take time to level up. Reaching Nipton by level 3... you must have sprinted through the game not doing any quests and only the bare minimum of fighting.

Also, your setup isn't good. Fast Shot and Trigger Discipline are the opposites of each other; they cancel each other out and actually leave you with a loss of accuracy.

9mm ammo is very common at the merchants, so if you're running low, you could go back to Goodsprings or Primm or the Mojave Outpost for some shopping.

Once you have several hundred 9mm rounds, you can start using that 9mm SMG from Doc Mitchell's house.

Btw, you can find a Grenade rifle for sale at the Mojave outpost. Might help you with them Vipers. Just don't forget to switch to your 9mm after they get close.
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Elle H
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 9:25 am

How are you only level 3 and at Nipton? Thats a very low level to even be remotely near Nipton. You should be level 3 by the time you're about to leave Goodsprings if you do everything in Goodsprings. =/

I didnt find much quests in Goodsprings. I did the intro quests that introduced you to crafting, along with the quest where Goodspring gets attacked. Thats largely it for quests in Goodsprings.
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Jonathan Braz
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 2:40 pm

:rofl: New vegas hard? Lol.

That's not fair man... ;)

OK, NV isn't hard at all now that we beated the game so manny times and know how the mechanics work, but in the first playtrhoughs the game provides a challenge.
Also if you don't plan your build carefully, the chances ending up dead are very high.

After all this time playing I need something really challenging, so I installed Project Nevada, but in my first time with the vanilla game I was beated hard sometimes.
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 7:14 am

I didnt find much quests in Goodsprings. I did the intro quests that introduced you to crafting, along with the quest where Goodspring gets attacked. Thats largely it for quests in Goodsprings.

L3 is very low to get to Nipton but I think you should carry on as you are, enjoy the mystery of the first playthrough without getting to much specific help. Nothing beats the feeling of randomly exploring a brand new world even if it is a lot harder than following the path the game wants you to take.
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 6:43 pm

That's not fair man... ;)

OK, NV isn't hard at all now that we beated the game so manny times and know how the mechanics work, but in the first playtrhoughs the game provides a challenge.
Also if you don't plan your build carefully, the chances ending up dead are very high.

After all this time playing I need something really challenging, so I installed Project Nevada, but in my first time with the vanilla game I was beated hard sometimes.

It's very fair, relatively speaking, to say that FO:NV is easy. Have you played Fallout 2? The first few levels are difficult even if you know what to do and try to work the system.

I think you are rushing the game a bit, and playing it more like an FPS than an RPG, which can make it a bit difficult. It won't hold your hand like FO:3, but it won't ruin you like 2 and even 1 did either. It's a good balance, maybe on the easy side for my tastes, or at best a little unbalanced. (deathclaws are insanely difficult due to them being able to shred through any armor like it's not there... that doesn't make quite so much sense, but whatever.)

Anyway, do like others have suggested ; take your time, plan ahead and expect to NOT be a god among men. This isn't Call of Duty, bro. :)
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Jade Barnes-Mackey
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 7:22 pm

:rofl: New vegas hard? Lol.

You know, Ace, not every player in the world has the same skill level.
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 10:53 am

Plus, it is hard if you don't follow the usual path first time out and/or you don't have a lot of experience of this type of game.
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 8:44 am

I started a new character today to reshuffle around my SPECIAL and change my traits & perks. Decked out in strength, endurance and intelligence this time around instead of trying to be spread evenly. Went with lockpicking, science, guns for traits. I got small frame & the 3% gun perk. I am leaving goodspring though and only level 2. (I followed a guide for the intro area just to make sure I didnt miss anything). :P
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 2:15 pm

Sunny Smiles in Goodsprings tells you where Primm is when you ask for directions. That's a hint about where to go first. Did you head for Primm? Talk to Mr. Nash in the Vicki & Vance casino and then repair the broken bot on the counter at the Mojave Express? Those are the first things I do. Once you have ED-E with you, he'll help you with the enemies you run into at the early levels. Once I have him, I head into the Bison Steve to deal with the rest of the convicts and get better weapons. Good luck! :)
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 11:27 am

i always play on easy with these type of games until after ive played through it the first time and learned the mechanics and where to find better gear and weapons, etc. Its nothing to be ashamed of anyway. When i first played f3 and entered the wasteland for the first time i got jumped on by a raider with a bazooka and all i had was baseball bat lol.
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 7:48 am

edit: never mind (wrong topic)
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