It's freezing up on me too
I waited to get the Ultimate Edition because of issues that made Fallout 3 a less enjoyable experience and assumed by the time the Ultimate Edition was released that everything would be fixed, I assumed wrong.
Don't know how Bethesda is allowed to release games on the PS3 that constantly crash.
Fallout 3 was released 3 and a half years ago, Are Bethesda trying to say within them 3 and a half years nobody in their employment could figure out what caused Fallout 3 to stutter then freeze and for Fallout New Vegas Ultimate to have the exact same problem ? And I heard Skyrim is having the exact same problems, a game I'm not going near because of it.
I like Bethesda's games, I just don't like how they half a** their games
Getting a refund because this game is broken.
It's not even like the Ultimate Edition was just released either, wasn't it out in the US at the end of Last Year ? Plenty of time for a Patch for the Ultimate Edition.
I will not be buying anything from Bethesda, This Gen or the Next