Here is what I gathered from :
" Interplay announced today that they are well into the process of making a Fallout-themed expansion to EA's game, using original Fallout as well as Van Buren assets:
This "Sims:Livin' Underground" mod will enable Fallout fans for the first time ever to create and simulate their own nuclear family in the comfortable, controlled environments of an underground Vault. Online play capability is of course included. We are aiming for a Summer 2009 release, and after that, look out for further downloadable expansions.""
What's your opinion on this? I love The Sims, I love Fallout and I love the vaults. I'm sure I'll love this game too. And it seems like our good friends Max Stone, Natalia and Albert are NCPs. Great!

In other news, for all those who were waiting for a Fallout movie. It has been announced!
Again, from NMA :
"This just in to our NMA box, courtesy of Mikael Grizzly :
Thanks to dauntless trooper Ausir and his sources, imdbPro has spilled it's guts - Fallout The Movie is slated to be released in Q1 2010. The director will be critically acclaimed Uwe Boll, described by Todd Howard as a director who "really captures the essence of the games he's basing movies on".
I'm afraid this is it... Just check IMDBPro, if you've access (it's paid) ...

Addendum: Ausir got us some additional research on the subject:
Well, it is in IMDb Pro (which is quite reliable, unlike regular IMDb). And we have info from people with Pro access. If you have a credit card, you can sign up for a 14-day trial, and then cancel for no fee.
Also, there is actually no director listed yet, only writer and producer. But the producers are (who produced some of Boll's movies) and, and the writers are (who wrote Boll's BloodRayne) and (with no other credits). So it's reasonable to assume that Boll is making it.
And the release date is listed as December 2009, I only said it's likely to be a placeholder, since there's no way even Boll would make the movie so fast. The 2010 date is not official, just speculation. Grizzly got it wrong a bit. "
Link : Fallout@ IMDB :
Thanks for this information, Ausir! Seems like they have a strong team. I'm sure the movie will be great.

Thank you NMA for providing us with this.
But, Ausir did confirm that a Fallout movie has been added to the IMDB database...
From Ausir :
The Uwe Boll, Guinevere Turner and Dan Clarke part of the newsbit is a joke, as is the Todd Howard quote.
However, the rest of it isn't. A movie called "Fallout" really is in development, the producers are Sriram Das, Ara Katz, and Art Spigel (responsible for Romero's Diary of the Dead), and the writers are Milton Hernandez and Andre Fonseca (both with no prior writing credits). The companies producing it are Das Films and Artfire. The IMDb Pro plot summary is "In a post-apocalyptic world, three friends struggle to survive."
No director was announced.
It isn't officially announced as being related to the Fallout games, but I recall Bethesda registering the rights to Fallout movie title some time back, and any post-nuclear project using the name without the license would likely be met with a lawsuit from Bethesda. Make what you want out of it.
Oh well, it might be another bad game-to-movie title.