Many people complain that the RPG factor is ruined by predetermined back story.
Fable 1,2&3: Predetermined back story. Still an RPG.
Fallout 1,2&3: Predetermined back story. Still an RPG.
Kingdom Hearts: Predetermined back story. Still an RPG.
Final Fantasy Series: Predetermined back story. Still an RPG.
A game in which the player takes on the roll of the character, AKA plays the roll.
Skills being merged with Perks does not make this not an RPG.
It makes no difference if they merge Skills and Perks. Skills only had 4 real Ranks before now anyway. 25, 50, 75, 100. Everything else was clutter. They streamlined the Skill system. What's more, we don't even know for a fact that skills are merged with perks, regardless. That's just hype.
Yes, Fallout has FPS qualities and so what? Nobody is forcing you to play FP. Play 3rd Person for all we care.
Voiced PC does not make this not an RPG.
As has been stated 1,000 times already, lots of RPGs have voiced PCs. It's ok. I can almost guarantee that with such a controversial addition, you will be able to turn it off in your Gameplay Settings. Then you can just read the dialogue like in all the old games.
Calm down, my friends and just get pumped for Fo4 with me.