While some characters were pretty interesting, most had very little background and I feel like I barely know them. For some reason the character I liked most was Gob.
And I really don't get the speech thing. For nearly everything it's either to get a better reward or I'm able to get the same result without using speech at all. Ugh. Don't remind me of the lurking. After I beat the game the first time with a whole lot of quests I didn't complete, I tried to put them off as long as possible so I wouldn't have to go in the subways.
The metros can be slightly eerie, I agree. But I liked them. That's just one of the elements makes Fallout 3 so merky and lonesome. My character has an urge to be lurky anyway.
But for example...the player character is able to pass a speech check with Three Dog, upon meeting him at Galaxy News Radio, which will allow you to skip the quest, "Galaxy News Radio". You can also win a speech check, upon conversing with Colin Moriarty and he will reveal to where your dad has gone, and you will not have to kill Silver. I wouldn't necessarily say Fallout 3 has the tendency to be speech-skillful for the benefit of the progression of the quest, more as it has tendency to gain benefits of a quest.(Examples: Griffon in the "Aqua Pura!" quest;You can speech check him to give you part of the sharings from his profits. Lucas Simms in the "The Power Of Atom" quest; You can win a speech check to where he will pay you 500 caps for disarming the Megaton Nuke, instead of 100). Little things like this are seen throughout the gameplay, within Fallout 3.
So not all get you the same result.