Why Interplay did,...
Grenades are fairly late level. Try the guy in the "old Town" section of the Hub. One rope is enough to walk in to V15 with (the other one you'll need is on site). You'll also need another rope later on for another location.
Yes, but don't worry about that just yet, your character is far too young to beat a deathclaw.
My bad. I thought Interplay was a random distributor of old games. I was wondering if there was going to be a lawsuit or something... Now I feel stupid. :facepalm: Oh well, game and learn.
Oh, okay. I can probably go ahead and check that Vault out now. Maybe I'll find some stuff worth selling...
Good, I was going to say, "Either I stumbled on a ridiculous quest, or my character is really a futuristic Clark Kent!" Having a futuristic Clark Kent would have been awesome. But I'll settle for not dying a horrible death.
l play a ninkumpoop with 2 int and 10 strength, so l can punch rad scorpians to death ln 2 hits.. But l had a bad encounter with 6 muties with gatlings, SO my brute character lasted 17min. I needed to level up before l explored like that. Learned my lesson.
Oooh, I watched a character like that on youtube before! Something about helping some other idiot with radscorpions. The whole conversation was really all grunts and growls, but they had captions in game that made them sound like two people having an intelligent conversation in their own language. It was awesome. What level were you, and how far out into the Wasteland (does that apply to the West?) were you?
Calgone: I'm still having trouble making my way around town maps (mostly because of the awkward camera angle), so I didn't spend too much time there. I did wind up in a fight with the doctor and his henchmen, so I reloaded and ditched the place (as the only other quest I noted was something about shady guy. Sounds like trouble to me...). I might go back later...
Gitzmo: Oh cool, I'd feel a bit cheap simply walking in and out without actually solving anything, but then again, I'll be in one piece. :thumbsup: I may just do it anyway and avenge myself on the scorpions later...