Oblivion is a pathetic piece of :spotted owl:, Fallout 3 is great.
Don't make fun of owls! It wasn't that bad.
Off Topic: Is there a M'aiq' type easter egg in Fallout 3?
I loved Oblivion, loved it. I've made... I think 6 or 7 characters, played for probably 250 hours. With Fallout 3, it looks like it'll probably be similar. I'm already on my third character and I'm definitely going to play again. It's a world I will definitely want to come back to again and again. If you loved the open-worldness of Oblivion and you think it'd be fun to play a post-apoc RPG then Fallout 3 is the game for you. This is probably my game of the year. I love it.
I played one character for 250 hours.

It sounds like it is a lot smaller, but I don't own the game.
I played Oblivion and loved it. I love Fallout 3. If you like Oblivion you will like this. Fallout 3 needs mod polish though, sunrise and set is one thing.
I agree, but I am seriously debating buying it for the PS3 because of the lack of support.
You answers and poll are flawed, as is your attitude. First off, you make a poll and then just tell people that their OPINIONS (which you asked for) piss you off?! Second, horses for courses - some people will tell you that Oblivion is bad, while others will tell you the same about Fallout 3. In the end, it depends - myself, I think that you can't compare the two, anyhow to answer your question:
Oblivion is good, so is Fallout 3.
I think he was joking.
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