I think that trailer gave me an anxiety attack. I'm so friggin ready. I think I'm going to go camp outside of Gamestop for the next 4 1/2 days.
Great Skynet in the timeless sea! It's like a round about sequel to Terminator Future Shock if the critics had not panned it while the fans adored it. The cybernetic units look fabulous along with the female player character. And that gruesome gore flying all over the place in combat...
Still didn't see any holstered weapons.
At least the female protagonist got a booty.
Woohoo! The BethesdaUK version on Youtube doesn't have an age-gate. Which means my download plugin could work, and I've got a copy on my computer that I can watch over and over and over and......
Looks terrible in fullscreen any uncompressed version anywhere?
Lot of hate In the comments section (Youtube) about the trailer, I guess you just can't please people.
Really? Every comment I noticed so far seems to be about Female Sole Survivor/Nora's Butt.
Too bad for them. sixual content is no longer a part of Fallout's ESRB rating.
This trailer actually helped me a bit with the hype, not constantly thinking damn so and so amount of days left constantly only every other hour now
It looks like they're setting it up to be another good vs evil story with the Institute taking the Enclaves role. From what I have heard of the leaks, the story is going to be a massive disappointment, which is just a shame. I'm sure it will still be fun though
Crabbing would be a be boring, yeah? Set your trap. Come back a week later. Maybe got a crab. Maybe got a mutated fishfrog.
What weapon do you think it is the one that appears a few seconds past the 2 minutes? The one with a screen showing charge raising to 100 before making a strong shoot. I bet it is a railgun, or a Gauss weapon insted.
*Sorry for my english level.
Good vs evil is not neccessarily bad at all. Not everything needs to be wrapped in moral ambiguity. Sometimes a solid story of good guys vs bad guys is perfect. Especially for a medium such as video games. Lets be real, video games cannot tell drama near as well as a movie can. Hell some of the games that are best known for stories are just good vs evil (Mass Effect) and some of these moral grey stories are the worst (COD comes to mind, even though I really liked them)
Yeah...haven't you been paying attention? Badass VA.
Mass effect is full of grey areas i mean there the geth - quarian quandary as well as the genophage moral ambiguity and even the reapers weren't evil though an argument could be made for their actions being evil.
As for fallout 4's story i do hope the institute is supportable even if they are almost caricatures of bad guys as it adds to player choice and then they could fit the join-able/supportable somewhat evil faction mold that the legion fit into with the other factions being more morally ambiguous.
Positivly stoked about hearing AND seeing the Female SS. I love Courtney's voice sofar, but cudo's to Brian's too, they both sound awsome as the SS. Trailer was nice, showed alot of cool stuff, but also rehashed old footidge too. One thing i noticed is that ive seen two shots showing "Memory Den" now; one seemed to be in Diamond City i think (http://overmental.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/Fallout-4-Memory-Den-screen-cap-750x431.jpg) the other was in the area of Scollay Square, when the ghoul guy spoke in the trailer, you could see the sign in the background.
This could mean Memory Den is a consortium of stores, rather then just one location.