Fallout 4 Official Launch Trailer

Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 9:30 pm


I've been avoiding watching leaked footage, but thought I was safe with official releases.

Turned off after about a third.
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Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 10:21 pm

"Beneath the Commonwealth... there is a cancer... known as the Institute. A malignant growth that needs to be cut... before it infects the surface! This campaign will be costly... but in the end we will be saving human kind from it's worst enemy... itself!" - Brotherhood Guy

Sounds like like the Brotherhood guy went to Obama's school of speech making, but his delivery is more badass or maybe it's the words.

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Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 4:34 pm

Oh, I just want to go exploring!

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Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 5:20 pm

Looks like we may finally have a 10mm pistol that looks like a real handgun, and not a huge lump of steel...

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Lisha Boo
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Post » Tue Dec 08, 2015 1:51 am

I was talking about the main plot. As for bethesda, a lot of sidequests I find are morally ambiguos, even if you dont get to choose your path down them. And no the reapers werent evil but they were certainly the "bad guy" and up until the end they didn't really make a point for themseleves besides "this is what we do"

My point is, if bethesdas storytelling is as bad as they say a simple good vs evil plot is what they should start with. Get the basics down first, and make it really good. Or just give us a simple plot that we can enjoy.

I just dislike the fact that people think a simple story = bad. Not everyone wants something super complex and deep

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Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 4:21 pm

Video games have a one up on books and movies in the sense that it's an interactive medium. The core or critical path story can be simple. But when people say they want complexity I think that this means the factions, something that Bethesda does really well and something that they're somewhat known for. If you have a simple story, but complex players in it, suddenly the story isn't so simple anymore. If the BoS doesn't like the RR because of x and y, and the MM gets along with the RR because of a and b but understands the BoS' stance on the x and y the story starts to feel a little more "real" for lack of a better term.

At face value this is what the FO4 seems to be. "Hunt down the Institute". How you decide to get there and with who is where the complexity will come from.

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Post » Tue Dec 08, 2015 12:23 am

the brotherhood is just badass lol
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Jamie Moysey
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Post » Tue Dec 08, 2015 3:03 am

So much this.
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Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 5:17 pm

we didnt got much spoiler from the lunch trailer we just got a look at the factions.

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Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 8:53 pm

That sounds pretty deep, man. Seriously. I really don't mind moral ambiguity like I'm pretty sure you did before. But indeed, at the end of the day, I think we do like something defined. I think this moral ambiguity that we are having in our society(America)today is something that is happening not only in the video game industry.

Btw, thanks for serving.
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Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 4:37 pm

mmm lunch, best trailer ever :liplick:

Yeah, thats what I was trying to say, you just articulated it better then I could have.

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Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 3:54 pm

I find it strange that everyone pretends to know the story from a 3 minute trailer. Trailers are meant to be an introduction, not a synopsis. This one did a great job of telling us a little about the world we will be playing in. It introduces us to some of the major factions - e.g. The Brotherhood, the Minutemen, the Institute, and probably others (like the pirate ghoul person). We know that there is a war going on between the Brotherhood and the Institute, we know there is a tension between "pure" humans and synths, and we know there are a lot of regular people caught up in all of the turmoil while trying to eek out a life in a tough environment.

That is all we really know, I am sure Bethesda has all kind os twists and turns planned - as usual.

Enjoy the trailer for what it is, and how it bumps up the hype as it is supposed to do, but let's not pretend we know the real story.

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Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 8:13 pm

Did anyone notice the scene early on where there's a guy in what appears to be a power armor frame? No legs. You can see right through the power armor frame.
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Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 11:30 pm

I'm surprised that Beth still can't do first person legs/feet. I hope the modder that did fp legs and feet for NV does one for FO4.
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Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 7:28 pm

He did it for 3 and Skyrim as well! So I have no doubt. I hope it doesn't auto force me into third person to sit in vanilla, tho..
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Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 11:06 pm

It's videos such as this one that highlights my discordance with the series and by extension the fan base.

It looks wonderful aesthetically, I couldn't have been more wrong previously to suggest it didn't(though it's still not the witcher 3), but for every positive revelation there was a dark realization.

I'm being completely candid when I say that the writing might be the worst of ANY video game trailer ever, with zingers such as: 'haven't you been listening? You don't find the institute, the institute finds you' and the amphigory of 'this campaign will be costly, but in the end we'll be saving human kind from its worst enemy, itself'.

The first line sounds like an old (and terrible) Pseudo-Russian joke, 'you don't find Russia, Russia finds you' :shrug: .

As I've said before, Bethesda's doesn't have the writing ability at the best of times, nevermind when they're challenged with saluaging a pensive and intriguing story from the depths of another banol android-ethics quarrel.

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Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 4:53 pm

You know, ive never heard you post about what characters you play, how you play them, or even if you roleplay at all. Its always been about how Bethesda svcks, how much smarter you are for liking Obsidian, and how Bethesda makes games for literal stupids.

It sends a very clear message that you are here to spread negativity and cynicism, and nothing else. Ive not once heard you say a good thing about anything without it being in the context of how much Bethesda svcks. You accuse Bethesda of being a one trick pony, but the real truth of that statement is plain to see.

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Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 8:39 pm

Yet he's named after a Bethesda character lol
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Post » Tue Dec 08, 2015 5:59 am

In Soviet Union, Yakov Smirnoff doesn't laugh at your crappy joke!

Every video game forum seems to have a cranky, unconstructively-obsessive Aspy troll. It's like required by international law or something. Places like NMA and RPG Codex are where they're forged, I think. I kind of enjoy it as a freakshow phenomenon myself.

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Post » Tue Dec 08, 2015 12:20 am

I love Fallout... I also think the writing svcks and is littered with cliches. We play the games because of the world and combat and fun, not the story. Not since Morrowind have Bethesda had an original story.
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Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 3:50 pm

I wouldn't go straight into saying Aspy, because although that does make people very passionate about what they like it doesnt automatically imply that we are obsessed with hate.

Its what you do with the different brain wiring that makes you define yourself by love of something or by hate of something. It is not being on the spectrum that alone makes someone want to tear down someones love of something.

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Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 3:40 pm

Because I think JHE is a good though flawed character :shrug:

I've said on numerous occasions that Bethesda's interpretation of the Enclave is far more intriguing than what we seen in Fallout 2, and I think they told the same story with greater writing ability (Fallout 2 is my least favorite Fallout game because of it's awful story).

I admire Bethesda as a developer in their own right, and Fallout 3 is still among my favorite games I've ever played, and I can guarantee I'll enjoy Fallout 4 to a considerable extent.But in the context of a series that I love in it's totality (not just 3 and NV) I'm reminded of how incongruent it is now from what I love about the series.

I can appreciate what Bethesda has done; but it's ultimately aberrant rays of light overcast by a sense of discontent.

It's not a fruitless endeavor, Bethesda has the capability to please both sides of the fanbase; but this will never happen if Bethesda isn't criticized for their most egregious flaws.

In the words of Socrates: "If you kill a man like me, you will injure yourselves more than you will injure me" because his role was that of a gadfly, "to sting people and whip them into a fury, all in the service of truth".

Not to sound conceited, but it's because of people like me who purportedly only spout cynicism and doubt that these notions ever truly enter the consciousness of a group, and offer people the platform to challenge their own opinions either to improve them or refute them.


To put it into context, I spent about an hour with a close friend just messing around with pip-boy app and reminiscing about Fallout 3 and Fallout: New vegas.I'm not ruled by hatred, but I don't see the point in agreeing with majority opinion of Fallout 4 and Bethesda when there is so much that warrants scrutiny.As far as I'm concerned, being the millionth person to praise Bethesda achieves less than representing a minority that scrutinizes them :shrug:

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Post » Tue Dec 08, 2015 3:00 am

Thats the thing though. You only talk about how Bethesda needs to improve, how they dont hold up to your ever so high and important standards.

Ive never seen you talk about a character that you enjoy playing in the first place, ive never seen you talk about something you actually enjoy without the caveat that Bethesda is still terrible in some regard. It just gets to the point where you are defined by how much you don't like the company, and want to be contrary to everything they do. It's just doesn't send a very good image. You cause a lot of conflict around here because you seem to be purposely setting out to cause as much conflict as possible.

It just doesn't lend any credence to your opinions about quality when those opinions seem to be your entire mission here. It makes people think less of a serious discussion, more of someone saying that someones favourite things are completely awful and then smirking when they get angry. Theres a word for that that has already been said, and im not going to repeat it. But understand that word sums up how a lot of people think of you. That when they see your name and avatar on the new post thing that they are always going to have a post full of how terrible Bethesda is.and how they need to shape up without actually giving any specifics on how they should do so.

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Post » Tue Dec 08, 2015 3:34 am

I knew I followed your orders in FO3 for a reason, Mr. President. ;)

But seriously, I agree with most of what you're saying, but I'm still optimistic when it comes to FO4. I think it can be really good. I hope it will be. I can't say for sure until the 10th.

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Post » Tue Dec 08, 2015 3:30 am

I'm not going to derail the thread further, but a lot of that is valid and most probably true.


I will say this, the synth at the end -- actually the entire scene with the man being held at gun point was excellent.From the aesthetic of the synth (the one with yellow eyes), and the choreography of the scene as the synths revealed themselves was impressive.

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