If this has already been posted, I apologize in advance. I'm not trying to copypasta or spam the forum. I just want to spread the awesome sauce.
If this has already been posted, I apologize in advance. I'm not trying to copypasta or spam the forum. I just want to spread the awesome sauce.
I know I locked an earlier thread about this for post limit, but I don't believe anyone created a thread #2 yet, so I think we're fine.
This one got me pretty stoked! I was hoping I'd get a sense of what the woman PC might look like. This is not helping my wait for the 10th at all...
Female SS has a great butt kudos to the dev that made it and damn im all hyped up again.
Mine too.
Uh, we are talking about the one on your upper body, right?
It was a nice peak into the factions and some of the plot, so I found interesting enough.
Didn't you know, it took them 7 years to do perfectly.
Woke up super late but it doesn't matter because this prize was waiting for me.
Can't wait to take the next step on my roleplaying adventures, its not much longer now.
This weekend is going to be the longest weekend. Time will move as though it's stopped, and Nov 10, despite being 5 days away, will feel like a month away.
Also, why in the hell do companies release a game on Tuesday? This means my office is going to be filled with females as the males will call in "sick".
Uh oh.
I think that lends credence to my earlier speculation that the BoSS, The Minutemen and the Railroad are all fighting The Institute but have different final objectives for when its over. The railroad wants to free Synths, the Minutemen want a free and independent Boston and the BoS is here to bring order.
As much as I... "appreciated" seeing our female protagonist in the new vault suit, I also finally got to hear a decent chunk of her voice work finally - sounds really great to me.
Was that Claudia Christain's voice again? <3
Loving the assault on a settlement by super mutants in that trailer
Nice preview. Scatter beam is in ! So happy. Game looks gorgeous.
Not so sure on the story, hope it gets more interesting and isn't just a rehash of the same man vs machine stories we've seen so many times before. Hopefully beth have their own interesting spin on the idea. Kinda cringed with the predictable "...the institute finds you" line at the end but I did like the set up tension of "who's a synth" paranoia shown.
Hype-o-meter readings are off the charts. Bring it on!
Have probably watched it 7 times now.
Just avoid that dangerous comments section...
There be spoilers
The truly amazing thing about this is Beth breaking from showing us only the male SS and just dynamicaly switching betwen male and female. Now if only they would expand that approach to all of the marketing...