I am not saying you aren't a true Fallout Fan. I am not trying to be hostile or offend you.
Okay, sorry if I overreacted, I was a bit sleep-deprived and misunderstood your point.
IMO a true RPG is one where you can make your own character, skills traits, backstory, six ect ect ect. Then putting that character into a world were you have many options in which to play the game, do the quests and role play that character. Different story paths, different out comes to quests and so on.
Fallout 3 lets us make half our character, the other half is pre-made. But what really makes it a none-RPG to me is the game writing which we both agree was poor. The game is good vs evil and we are forced to be good. Can't join the bad guys. It gets compounded because no matter what we are an 19 year old kid from Vault 101 and Daddy is a very important man.
I really didn't enjoy Fallout 3 (as a Fallout game) because it severly limits Role Playing, both the poor writing and the fact our character is already half made.
I don't want Fallout 4 to do that. I don't want them to say "You are a BoS Knight and you're mission is this and you are doing this because this happened." That is way to much. No matter what I will always be a BoS knight.
I want Fallout 4 to be like Fallout, Fallout 2 and New Vegas. Where it only gives us a title "Vault Dweller" "Chosen One" "Courier" and that is it. No damn back story about how old I am, who my parents are. Give me a title and a quest. Then put me in a game world where I can join or at least help every faction in the wasteland. Give me many ways to do the main quest line, give multiple ways to finish the quests. Don't give me "You are the good guy, now go out and kill the bad guy" crap.
Right, I think that we can agree that Fallout 3 was not a good Fallout game and not how future games in the series should be like. All I'm saying is that the "Fallout way" is not the only way that a good CRPG can be made. You're welcome to disagree of course, but I don't think there's any point in continuing this argument as neither of us will probably convince the other
