I think Vozda needs to take a walk into the FO3 forums from many moons ago and start reading.
Let's face reality here: skill points were pointless, because I can promise the majority of people wrapped them up into their weapon category. What good is having Lockpicking at 50 if you can't even kill a mole rat? Sure, some probably balanced them out over time, but it's unlikely the majority did. No one wants to explore the Capital Wasteland by reloading from the last save point every 10 minutes, so they've definitely given themselves the upper hand.
Many of today's gamers have an attention span of a Nuka-Cola bottle. They want everything from the moment the game starts, then spend the rest of their time complaining how stupid the game is. Hell, this one isn't even out yet and people are already complaining about it.
To me, Fallout 3 is one of the best games I've ever played, despite having few quests. The exploration and the immersion factor pulled me in for a damn rewarding good time. I'm hoping Fallout 4 delivers the same, and based on the short clip I've seen, I don't think I've much to worry about.
I enjoy fast paced games. Bioshock was exceptional in its pacing and leveling design. Skyrim could be challenging due to the faulty level scaling, but overall, it allowed everyone the ability to play a game as they saw it. Perks weren't required, and neither was having to craft every weapon and armor in the game.
Rant all you want. Even if Fallout 4 is a carbon copy of Fallout 3 with a new paint job, I'll be 100% satisfied. It's already on pre-order, because that's how much this game means to me.
If you have a problem with the franchise, go play those other games. After all, they don't sell millions because they have people spreading out skill points or having their user base complaining because they can't go beyond level 81 in a game.