I just...Dont understand at all. Its a completely alien concept to me to buy something over and over again knowing that it wont hold my interest at all, that ill hate it, and that it isnt worth putting any time into it. And then do that for approaching a decade.
I'm happy Bethesda made power armor more realistic, so now we can't run around with a couple sets in our bag, and modding won't be hindered by a voiced protagonist at all. The reply lines will just not be spoken by the player but the NPC dialog will still be voiced. . .which is fine by me.
I would wait for launch, or more concrete game information to be released before jumping to assumptions
Arguing that Bethesda's Fallout-labeled games are not enough like the originals does not mean that you don't enjoy playing Bethesda's games.
It just seems to me like sticking with something way past its usefulness. Still being mad about things that happened 8 years ago.
Nothing in videogames truly die. X3 got lobotomized pretty well with X-Rebirth, so much that that is what I actually would call a abomination. But then there is Limit Theory which is being developed to suit the niche that is left empty by that game. I would much rather follow Limit Theories development and encourage those people to make the game that I enjoy, than focusing on a developer that has completely left me and becoming bitter about it.
Its just attaching a negative emotional feeling to a videogame that I find hard to do. I can feel sad that something is lost, but I don't want to become obsessed with that loss. Its always better to put your money where your mouth is, and vote with dollars instead of forum posts.