The games are already improved and keep be improved already.
You have access to Mash high-res patch for the original trilogy on steam. There are Fo2 Restoration Project and Fo1 FIXT easily found on the internet to improve them even more. There is a currently in progress re-develloppement of Fallout 1 on Fallout 2 engine by some modders.
Currently, there is the ongoing Van Buren mod that is pushing the limits of the Fonline engine, created in 2008 or 2009.
If the improvements are impressing enough, it might motivate other modders to redo the classics game on the Fonline engine, that add many possibilities while still being faithfull to the originals.
There are also ongoing mods to put stories of Fo1-Fo2 into FoNV but i fear they would go far too further from what those games were. I am not sure that the gamebryo could manage isometric view, turn-based, map travel, mouse based control etc, not mentioning the risk of crash if there is a much npc as in the original games. I am not sure how gamebryo handle sprite based characters and hex grids. That might lead to very disapointing result and there weren't meant for a so limited engine.
They might entirelly scrap some essential feature, which would render pointless the whole thing.