(i will make few comparisons on game sequels which died pretty fast)
This is somewhat hate post on fallout 3 as it didnt fullfil its role as its 2 predecesors.
Mainly why i am antagonized ^^ (love the costume) is because this game is named FALLOUT 3.. if it was named with any other name i wouldnt play it and that's a fact.
I have a feeling like i have been robbed by purchasing this game, thats is also a reason why i must say something.
As much as i would like to i could write 10 pages of complaint on this topic but i wont, because no one would read this i guess

Here we go,
I will not be narrow minded as some people, and even as i am veteran fallout player i say this style of fps play doesnt bother me.. its kinda fresh,
honestly remove the pipboy form game and i wouldnt be able to say if that was fallout sequel at all.
What made fallout 1 and 2 so great and lets say master of orion 2 (do i dare mention mOO 3 just for you who havent tried it do try to understand what i am saying; which was all out disaster) and heroes franchise 1-5 except 4th sequel which is a miss also is the "feel" of the game which i had none.
What makes the "feel" of the game? i will strictly talk for fallout games. First of all no random encounters omg ppl what are you doing? You put LUCK stat in FPS game? How in the gods name LUCK can affect anything?
Dont try to tell me you can find more caps in lockers... that's crap... random encounter; u come across crashed shuttle damn that's nice, this time you have to FIND it ? I played with LUCK on 1 and didnt miss anything < that's sad
Music... omg i had feeling i was playing morrowind all the time, whats with the fantasy crap mood? You need to put gloomy music, fear of unknown as it was in 1 & 2, svcker for good music and that's how i build my rating for the game..
baldurs gate 2 menu, omg that is epic menu music and even through ALL the game, no exceptions awesome music, no mistake there.... i mean did any of you developers played any fallout sequel?
Cant stress enough about details details and details again!
Entering talk dialog with npc i was welcomed by green electronic something with multiple answer choice... what happend ppl with creating detailed consoles? that also happened in neverwinter 2 i mean you put for inventory some kinda 16x16 field
and u put items there? omg... someone is lacking some serious imagination deprivation!!
Cant help it but i have to say baldurs gate 2 again... did anyone notice that whole playing "console" gives feel it was made of stone? Press new game and like you are pushing a brick in the wall... awesome < example of detail
back to fallout 3... creating your own weapons out of trash? and that steam gun noise what the hell? really not necesseary, what you should have put is authentic weapons, more UNIQUE weapons... you would say creating your own weapon is unique, but its
not its crap, because its made out of crap.
I must come to stop since i see this will not end so soon. Why i played it to the end? Well i hoped that there would be a narative talk about ALL places you have visited and heard what DIFFERENCE YOU HAVE MADE.
but no its just some global generic garbage with few differences on topic < very bad
Overall rating of this game i give it solid 4 out of 10
3 goes on graphic, and 1 on everything else
Oh and one question why do you guys have the need to build fps/rpg games balanced for explore? You really should implement zones in a game... if you are lvl 5 with that or this skill you cant kill a mutant for the love of god!!!
Didnt had any trouble playing game at all... give at least a little challenge... you dont have to make insanly tough but just enough to make it interesting... all in all i had a boring playing experience.
Unfortunatley i fear that age of games made from gamers for the gamers, is long gone :/
I'will stop writing while i still can becasue this will turn out in all out hatred towards todays games, because i just managed to angry myself.. lol.
This post was also overwiev to the current gaming industry in some remark. I fear for diablo 3, honestly (nothing beats diablo 1, hope i am wrong but not likely)
For the end i give congrats to brave souls who have read this whole futile remark of an angry hardcoe gamer for life, cheers