Anyone got the changelog for it? It just occurred for me now.
Anyone got the changelog for it? It just occurred for me now.
They've been very vague with the other beta patches so it wouldn't surprise me if they barely tell us anything.
That's true enough, they haven't even bothered having any control over the steam update page for it, just a bunch of farticles.
Still waiting on a official game manual also. Who the hell makes a AAA game and never even gives you a players manual for it. Bethesda that's who. "It just works" says Todd. BS.
Unfortunately, alot of AAA games come without manuals these days, physical or digital. It does, however, have the in game help, but I prefer a physical, paper manual.
Some developers certainly are getting secretive about their changelogs. Technically, they are not required to inform us, but is it so terrible of me that I want to know what it is that they are altering? Maybe I am just old-fashioned.
So no fix for the Old Guns radio guy who won't sit down and do his ONLY job?
I didn't have any of those problems, can I politely decline this patch?
Though I read the update thread before posting, I still felt that it was worth saying. Good to see that they are not getting secretive or too vague yet.
They included a manual in-game. Pause screen-Help. Quite useful, actually.
Obviously you've not tried to actually use it. The settlement helps are a joke.
I always wonder there a way, from Steam, to know if the patch was downloaded. something like "Currently installed version". I was never able to know with steam if the patch was downloaded or not.
Nope. You can go to the Fallout 4 directory, right click the Fallout4.exe>Properties>Details(Tab)>File Version but I suspect you know that.
It is kinda dumb the version number for Steam games is not listed in the Library alongside the game.
Your witty post would have worked had that post been there when I created this thread.