Anyone hear if there will be any kind of Fallout 4 event at Pax Prime this year?
Anyone hear if there will be any kind of Fallout 4 event at Pax Prime this year?
judging from the total lack of anny....... not already chewed over...... news that has been going since E3, i doubt it is going to be much if anny from Pax prime this year. I believe they already said no story related info will be released, but i am getting more and more surten that only in the final weeks before release we will finaly see maybe some gameplay or new info. There just to quiet to expect much else then that in my opinion.
I don't see any mention of Fallout in the schedule.
Probably. But knowing the way Bethesda seems to be handling things these days, they're probably going to choose their audience like a jury: only journalists who have never heard of Fallout before, behind closed doors.
This made me laugh. The current marketing plan is pretty obnoxious.