So until Bethesda find my talent and commission me to write for them, I am showing an interest in fan-fic. This is an idea I recently had, as to continue the story after the events in Fallout: New Vegas. In this narrative, the courier lost his life at the Battle of Hoover Dam, sacrificing his life so the NCR could be victorious.
Attached is a brief blurb, and a very short excerpt from around the third chapter... All first draft form. I am a fairly busy guy (hope that doesn't sound too arrogant!) but this is something I would love to continue in my spare time, but only if demand is high enough and enough interest is shown from other users.
Anyway, let me know what you think. Compliments or constructive criticism always welcome

Fallout: Phoenix Rising
Six months have passed since the Second Battle of Hoover Dam, the bloody conflict that cost the courier his life in return for a New California Republic victory. The federation drove any remaining Caesar’s Legion from the Mojave, and were rewarded by establishing a definitive control over New Vegas and the surrounding lands. Peace, at long last, had come to the Mojave.
But such things never last in the wasteland. Riots have broken out across Freeside, the Brotherhood of Steel have started to re-establish themselves, and a mysterious figure has begun butchering NCR soldiers, leaving their corpses disfigured in the way the Legion once did…
It seems that in this dark and dystopian future, tranquillity is impossible. Because War… War never changes.
Alex remained on his knees, shaking uncontrollably. The stench of death hung in the air, seeping from the bodies that surrounded him, blood soaked and butchered. He glanced down at his friend, at the motionless corpse he had now become. Blood trickled from the bullet hole in his forehead, and his eyes remained open, still the look of shock and horror spread across his face from the moment before his death.
Nervously, Alex turned his head quickly to look in front of him, to see if he could gather from where the gunshot and commanding voices had come from. He scanned the surrounding area, from the mound of bodies to the buildings that had been painted with blood, when a figure stepped forward.
He was tall, menacing and frightful. He wore what appeared to be Caesar’s Legion armour, not that Alex had ever seen such things, but he had heard enough stories to know what it looked like. But it appeared different; chalked black, yet still looked metallic. He strode with the air of pride and arrogance, walking straight towards him.
The figure stopped right in front of him, and spoke in a deep voice, ‘Whom do your allegiances lay?’
‘What?’ stuttered Alex, daring not to look up at his face.
The man grabbed at Alex by the collar, and dragged him to his feet. At the same time, he unsheathed a large blade, and pointed it straight at his cheek. Over the sound of Alex’s whimpers, and almost face-to-face with him now, the figure repeated ‘I ask again, who do you support? Do you follow the cowardly Bear, the NCR?’