Because I'm a butthole, I kind of wish it will be super dumbed down, so even those who were fine with Skyrim as it was, will be counted among those "nostalgic" "old school" "hardcoe" whiners. Those who are never satisfied with newer games. Those who are just mad because their favorite series has become mainstream.
"Games evolve. Perks are a forgotten relic from the past. They didn't really add anything to the game, just frustration and confusion. This is 2015, not 2011."
Like I said, I'm a butthole. But really, I'll just wait until the game has been out for a few months, and check out the opinions of few "trusted" members on this forum. Doesn't matter how well it's introduced in E3. If Fallout 4 turns out to be a great game, it will be a very pleasant suprise.