/grunt! /snort!
Point taken, though. I don't HAVE to "spawn camp" a "random encounter" trigger point. And I recognize that it's the easiest way to script these things. And if I were honest with myself, I ~like~ the "predictability" of the trigger points precisely because I CAN spawn-camp until I get the random event I want. Most of the time, the random event is nothing particularly interesting, but the spaceship crash is where you can get the Alien Blaster and a ton of ammo for it....
One time I was minding my own business and heard the crash and screen-shake and saw a flash briefly where the spaceship came down, but it came down in an area with inaccessible skyscraqer ruins so I had no chance to find the gun or ammo, so I "had" to reload a savegame from quite a while back, since I was not expecting to need to roll back at that time. I then went to the Anchorage monument out in the water (near Dukov's place) --- a nice big open area ---- and recycled the spawn point until I got the blaster and ammo.
For the most part, though, the 'rewards' of the random encounters are nothing too special, and ~where~ they happen is not important. In the case of the spaceship crash, though, it scatters the "loot" all over creation and you can basically lose out on the rewards of that encounter depending on where it happens.
All the other random encounters, I just accepted as I came across them. That IS a more fun way to do experience them, I admit. Imagine my surprise at finding a Deathclaw in a downtown D.C. alley, though. Had just cleared out the Super Duper Mart and lookee here what's charging toward me.