If you agree please comment so Bethesda can see this feature is needed.
Why can't you hold the right mouse button? Are you playing with only one finger?
I only say this because you said "It's impossible to play with hold to aim..." which I find very hard to believe unless you are physically missing a all your fingers on your mouse hand.
I would find it pretty annoying to have "aim" be a toggle as opposed to having to hold the button down. Much like I hate when games have a "crouch" toggle, or Fallout 4's "sprint" toggle.
But, yes, if you have a condition which prohibits it, then I could see the usefulness.
Was it REALLY necessary for you to post this exact same topic THREE seperate times in a 25 minute time frame? Yeesh.
No matter the reason why someone ask for it, it should be in the game. I am personally annoyed by the "toggle sprint" instead of "hold to sprint". It should be configurable.
This AND a hold for sprint instead of toggle...
I honestly thought it was a hold function and treated it as such. Not noticed anything different.
Sure, lets make a list of everything that "should be a standard feature in a 2015 AAA title" and see how little of a game we actually get because the developers are too busy adding everything that people feel "should" be in it.
Im sorry you have nerve damage, but that is no reason to expect a particular feature in a game. Also considering the capability of macros, I wouldn't be surprised if you could achieve any functionality you wished. Also many gaming mice have side buttons, you could remap the right mouse button to one of those (Via their software).
Scroll down to Girafz post. That may help you out.
We aren't talking about a massive gameplay feature that will take hours to make. I'm just asking for a simply little change that give players options. Please don't tell me this is unreasonable, because it really isn't.