Yes, there is something wrong with taking forever to finish, because that means it'll never be done. It'll probably never be even close to done. You're talking about making well over a hundred worldspaces the size of New Vegas (it could take game-months to walk across the Fallout 1 map). Unless you want to wind up with real-world hours of barren wasteland between locations, you need to use some sort of fast travel system or screw with the scaling so much that the entire west coast of the US can fit into a game world the size of New Vegas and that's just silly.
Anyways, if you want to make a mod that'll never be even close to playable, you go ahead and make your epic 100 gigabyte game world. I think I'll stick to the realm of the possible, thank you very much.
(Also: If you make a project where you set goals that you *know* are unreasonable, that project will collapse and die very quickly - if you set goals that can actually be completed in a reasonable amount of time, it might actually last long enough to produce something)
You're doing what a great many persons in your position have done before... making up facts and numbers without putting any solid backing behind them.
You try to make it sound like it would be impossible to do. You try to make it sound like it took New Vegas, with it's professional development team, a year or more to produce the game that they did... with a multi-million dollar budget... so therefore they must be superior to any amount of us, with nothing more than dreams and too much free time on our hand. That it would therefore take us what... 100-times more effort and work to compete?
And yet... they had so much
more than a world map in that game. They had
so much more than just
any feature in New Vegas in the kind of time you're talking about. And that was with a deadline to meet! There are entire characters who got deleted at the end of development. There are entire stories they never told. They had a LOT more than what you seem to think was possible... and they did it in a remarkable amount of time.
...and people STILL think they produced what amounts to a very un-professional product. It certainly has a plethora of bugs and a certain lack of polish, anyways.
Most of the mods I see on the Nexus are more centralized in scope and of higher quality than the entirety of the game. There's a reason, too. They're mods... not
games. And although the development of a mod such as this would mimic a professional development in terms of its needs and design... in the end, it only requires a
fraction of the work of developing the entire game.
Some goals have to stretch the boundaries between reasonable and unreasonable. Sometimes, in order to make progress, you need to dare to take a couple steps outside the box. It's a risk. It's not the insanity you make it out to be, and it's certainly not the guarantee you seem to think I believe it to be... it's a calculated risk when you make a daring goal.
And that's the difference between the quality of a game like Fallout 1... and a game like Fallout 3.
That said, I'm going to explain a bit more about my methods. And I'm going to keep talking until someone who thinks this would be a fun project decides to say they'll help out. Nobody's forcing anyone, after all. And once I have that other person, I'll explain to them my ideas... and I'll listen to theirs... and like any responsible game developers... a plan will be formed. And hopefully, as the plan is drawn out, things which seem like larger problems now will be broken up into smaller problems... and those smaller problems broken up into bite-sized, manageable bits.
My method of taking on large projects is to break the objective into small, centralized pieces. Each piece gets the attention it needs, takes the time it needs to get done right, and then another piece gets attention. If you take it in chunks, solve your problems as you come to them, and ensure that everything you have added plays well... it works. It's good. It has
As I stated before, the first objective would be to find an appropriate scale in which to 'import' the classic Fallout map into a Fallout 3-ized worldspace. That is to say, how far in real-time should point
x be from point
y... and so on. This would be determined by approaching real-world maps... making measurements of the actual game location... finding what seems like a reasonable size scaling-down... and testing it to see how it works.
The real trick will come in actually
making the map. I've been looking up tutorials for months... but as of yet, I'm still having a bit of difficulty pulling it off. I'm hoping that, now, with TWO games being actively modded for, a few new tutorials documenting this sort of a thing might come up. Otherwise, it's largely learn-by-experimentation.
Like Pintocat said... if you don't know how to do something... you learn.
While I'm fairly certain it was directed at me, I'm not really in need of that lesson. It is, however, a good thing to keep in mind... and the motto by which I manage all things. I don't ask anything of anyone else, that I am unwilling to attempt to do myself. And if I can't do it... I'm always trying to learn. I expect the same of most folks, even though it isn't always possible.
I also expect that there will be a great deal of resistance and naysayers... but then again... there always are whenever something big is proposed.
If you wanted to do something like this... do something like you proposed, Langy... I would invite you to lend your ideas and your expertise to the endeavor. Don't think for a moment that because your 'system' of doing this is much smaller-scale and simpler than mine, I reject it. In fact, what you describe sounds like precisely the bridge between and old new that I would like to see in a Fallout game.
You see... at the
least(from my point of view) ... your system would be the basis upon which the entire mode of travel is founded for the project.
At best (again, from my perspective), it would utterly replace the asinine system of 'fast travel' which Bethesda so callously began pawning off as a 'vital' part of their game design. In its most basic form, it would make the mod playable. And if my theories proved true about creating the entire massive expanse of wasteland panned out like I think the could... then at a much later date, the system could be updated and improved in order to make both of them work seamlessly.
But you can't start ruling out the big and the bold simply because it sounds 'unreasonable', or nothing amazing would ever happen.
You have to test and probe and prod and find out what is merely
impractical... and then you sit down and you find a way to make the problem smaller... and then you divide it up into 'goals'... and you make those goals happen.
Your idea is good, and practical.
My idea would be massive, but impractical. It would require a great amount of time and dedication. Those are two things I have no foreseeable shortage of. Unless I die, I pretty much spend 90% of my time eating, drinking, pissing, and dreaming Fallout.
My idea would require a lot of work. Probably a great deal, if not the entirety of it, my own. But I stated further up in this post how it could be done with minimal stress and injury. I pointed out the methods by which one would 'scale down' the environment to make your highly-overestimated 100-New-Vegas-Sized-Worldspaces into a far more 'reasonable number'. And most importantly, I laid out the precise way in which this mod would have to be approached if it was
ever going to be done.
Taking your time, focusing on a small part of the big picture, and working your way from one end of the canvas to the other. It's the same way a classical masterpiece is painted... and it's the same way a remarkable mod is made.