First sorry, but english is not my main language. Ok, let′s say Bethesda announce Fallout 4 in the VGX. Date 11/12/13, european date format, dec 11 in eeuu format. As with Skyrim (11/11/11), choose a date with a special numerology. Ok, I hope you understand my words. Then (or So?), following the same line, there′s one date with these features next year. 12/13/14, dec 13 year 2014. eeuu format of course.
F A L L O U T 4
1 2 / 1 3 / 1 4
Same number of letters.
So (or Then?), at the end of the teaser, appear, without deleting the 4, the release date.
Sorry my english, en espa?ol me haría entender sin problemas...