so all European players will get access to the game at the same time, GMT , time ?
so all European players will get access to the game at the same time, GMT , time ?
It′s possible Steam is splitting downloads into different regions, in order to maintain a decent bandwidth for all it′s users, similar to what Microsoft did with W10.
Or! I will be able to play it at 2 am. ( 5 more hours to go, 5 more hours to go, 5 more hours... )
5 more hours to go for me Steam says , and I'm GMT +2
For me steam says this game will unlock in 19 hours, one of the luxuries for living in asia........
5 hours, but in 5 hours its 2 am(Germany). I thought the game would come out at 00:01 am?
8.30 GMT right now, steam says less than 4 hours to go
I think somebody at steam messed up the release time for GMT + 1 zones (Germany, Sweden, Czech Republic,...).
Instead of giving us the game 1 hour before the GMT zone (as 12:01 AM will be here earlier), they seem to be releasing 1 hour after GMT zone here (in effect releasing it at 2:01 am local time for GMT + 1).
As it is, London will be getting the game earlier than continental Europe. At least the Americans are still waiting longer :>.
Bethesda can expect some angry forum posts from Europe once 12:01 am hits with Fallout 4 still locked.
As far as i can see, they just messed up on us(The EU)
No it's no accurate. They're behind an hour or two in EU. They seem to think Central European time is around 2 A.M.
Im near Tokyo and its showing around 1400 today it will be unlocked. I believe that is midnight EST
Germany here. It is 11 pm but steam says 4 hours. Do i have to wait till 3 am?
Written by GStaff
Release Time
Want to know exactly when you can start playing Fallout 4? Digitally the game will become available at 12:01 am (local time) in all territories (In North America, the unlock time will be 12:01 am EST), except Asia (available at 12 am on Tuesday, November 11th) and Japan (available at 12 am on Thursday, December 17th).
So I figure we germans get the middle of the night unlock. I can forget playing from 12:01 am till 03 am. Some people need some sleep atleast.
And an unlock at 04 am or what kind it is...nah...sleep and such
Well, the current unlock time for Germany is clearly different from what Bethesda promised, since unlock should happen at 12:01 local time in all territories (that includes Europe), not 2 - 3 am.
I would somewhat understand the unlocking happening at 1 am (12:01 am London time being "Europe" territory time), but there is no European country that is in the GMT - 1 timezone that would fit the current unlock time at Steam.
But what? 12:01 LOCAL TIME means exactly that. You should be able to play it 12:01. When it's 12:01 in UK you should be able to play it... When it's 12:01 in Sweden you should be able to play it. That's what Pete explained on twitter that someone linked here. Stupid steam, says it unlocks for me in 4 hours. That better not be right. Kinda planned my day just to be able to play at twelve.
Also showing 3 hours for me here in Germany. I'll still wait and see what happens at 12:01 am, if it's not unlocked then, I'll probably go to sleep.
sooo it is now 12.07 am local time, Steam claims there is still 3 hours before launch. I guess either Bethesda lied, steam failed or someone in the chain doesn't understand how the timezones work...
I don't think bethesda "lied". Just steam messing everything up is my guess. Not so suprised. I wonder if they are gonig to be able to fix it this late.
You know I did put that possibility in there, if you didn't notice. =)
EDIT: Now it says it will unlock in an hour, which I guess translates to 2 am and not 4 am...
My steam region is United States (US Military Japan) Thankfully I dont have to wait for the Japanese version.
And I just put my opinion in there, if... Not gonna do that, but seriously.. Just saying that I feel pretty confident it's steam. They messed up like this before.
In the end it doesn't matter who is at fault, they still managed to flop the launch quite badly...