TIMER JUST UPDATED !!! 1 hour to go wooop woooooooop
Got my Cider cooled and my gameface on. BRING IT !!!
P.S. Restart your steam guys.
TIMER JUST UPDATED !!! 1 hour to go wooop woooooooop
Got my Cider cooled and my gameface on. BRING IT !!!
P.S. Restart your steam guys.
Goooood! My steam relation is improving
hmm , 12.28 AM here in GMT +2 are, not unlocked yet ,Steam saying This game will unlock in approximately 1 hour
OMG I will be able to play in around 1 hr. According to steam. Wich hopefully are 30 minutes, just rounded badly .
But looks like asking helps
Ye, been hearing from several timezones that the steam timer just changed to approximately 1 hour everywhere... I guess that's better then before atleast :/
So whoever was responsible for fo4 to be released on time is really in need of a geography lesson.
I think they just release the game on time in major market countires
So they lied then?
And it is unlocked, just 48 minutes late...
I'd love to see the [censored]storm that would ensue if that happened in the states. =)
If they don't release this thing in 14 minutes i will go full berserk.
Just restarted steam: It seems to do it's "installation"/unpacking as of now. At least my HDD is running and steam is doing something with FO4.
You are right. Restarted and it is unpacking !!!! Finally.
It's now unloacked for me! But its doing some update that takes 15 minutes before I can launch.. soo..soo soon
I didn′t need to restart steam, just had to "start" the game to get process started. Now I only have to wait 15 minutes or so till I can play it. Those will be probably the longest 15 minutes of my life
Argh - finally the update is finished and I can press the start button, but after just 2 seconds - Crash to desktop
Where are you guys seeing this steam eta at? Mine just says "this game is currently locked and will be available on its official release day"
Norway: central European time it unlocked just past 12.
Not sure how this work all over guess if you live in Vladivostok you would have to wait to 12 in Moscow