Hey guys,
I am in the CET timezone (Central European Time, Paris time, + 1 hour compared to London)
The Fallout 4 FAQ pinned on this forum states that:
Release Time
Want to know exactly when you can start playing Fallout 4? Digitally the game will become available at 12:01 am (local time) in all territories (In North America, the unlock time will be 12:01 am EST), except Asia (available at 12 am on Tuesday, November 11th) and Japan (available at 12 am on Thursday, December 17th).
So far, the Steam indicates that the game will be unlocked at 2am, not 12:01 am. Hopefully they will fix that.
Starting a game at 2 am does not sound too tempting. If the time is confirmed, I would rather sleep and start the game in the morning.