I noticed when I rest to heal it sometimes says I'm nauseous.
Is there something about the healing process I'm missing? Rented beds seem ineffective giving me only a few hp points. Healing items are too expensive, I don't have a house nor do I know if you can get one.
Thanks for bearing with me on another noob question.
If you're nauseous check your character status because you are probably irradiated.
The resting healing time process.. err.. I dunno exactly, depends on your stats & perks.
Resting only works for HP regeneration, addiction except one drug and well... I forgot what else but it doesn't work for crippled limbs, being irradiated, addiction to jet and stuff like that.
See a doctor, med your character or maybe first aid & doctor skills might help.
Spoiler Dont worry too much about it, once I played on for hours before I discovered I was irradiated. It's no big deal in Fallout 2 if u'r glowing a bit, doesnt cause major side effects.