There's a lot of keys available when having a look at the .swf files and the file F4SE team provided. I'll see which can be enabled, and which not.
I've been tinkering with the AMD tool for BC7 compression and even for the smaller resolutions it makes a huge difference. Just zoom in http://i.imgur.com/eUvDjol.png
Basically tried it on a screenshot then applied it in-game. To be fair I used max quality on BC, that didn't change the file size but that definitely increased the time for it to process.
AMD's has options to change the threading for it (standard at 8), it took about 10 minutes on my 4790k (maxes out CPU usage directly) to compress at the highest quality (1.0,The standard setting is 0.01 and is near-instant). I guess it'll require a lot of tinkering to figure out what's the best speed/quality.
I've found a repeatable CTD bug. Start up the game using F4SE_Loader and go into the controls menu. Change a key bind, and then choose reset to Defaults. When you click on confirm the game crashes to desktop. There is nothing in the f4se log related to the crash. I have to start the game normally without the loader in order to reset the keys to default.
RickerHK: Thanks bud!
I also have a bug report, the steam overlay doesn't work when using it.
Thanks for the hard work - I haven't run into any notable issues since.
I've got a repeatable CTD during a dialogue, I made a hard save there if you want it.
Can I enable the error log like in NVSE?
Amazing as always! you are the best!
imho the first thing you guys should implement is the ".../Data/F4SE/f4se.ini" with the Memory options. Best SKSE function ever!
Uhm the crash only happens with F4SE, launching vanilla it works fine. I wouldn't report it here otherwise.
So, do we have the pex files fully decompiled yet? And not just in the current form of viewing properties and variables.
Sir_Kane in Gibbed's IRC channel wrote a decompiler. http://pastebin.com/HjKDkzge I think he's still working on it though.
Why not open source it on GitHub to make the tool even better with the collaboration of the community?
WOOHOO!! It's here!!
When I try to launch the game, it kicks back to the launcher. Doesn't matter if I use the vanilla launcher or the f4se_loader.exe. When I press Play on the launcher, it just kicks back to the launcher again, never actually loading the game. Only started after I tried to launch with f4se_loader.exe and even removing the related files the game still would not launch. I have no idea what info you would need to repro this, so lemme know and I'll see what I can do to get that info for you if you need it. Gonna run a verify on my game and see if that fixes it.
Verified the files. It replaced the prefs.ini and plugins files. But it's still stuck looping the launcher. Which started after running f4se_loader.exe.
It seems this issue may not be related to F4SE at all. It's a Launcher Loop issue to which there does not appear to be a universal solution. Some fixes are working for some people. But for many, none of the fixes are working.
Finally found a solution. For some reason Steam was not running as Admin. I don't know why since everything on my system is set to run as Admin by default.
Upon further research it happens only with the single mod I was using, which is the dialogue mod. Still strange it crashes with F4SE but not without. I suppose it changes something with scaleform that is unexpected, I'll hold off until further advisemant. Perhaps it is the keys as it changes them to 1-4 instead of arrows.
The src is included in the download.
Edit: I also made a short video tutorial on how to install F4SE for those that are interested. It's in 1080p with high bitrate for maximum legibility too.
Just a quick reminder for everyone. At this moment F4SE does not support the 1.2.33 beta build of Fallout 4. We are starting the work to make a compatible build of F4SE, but it is going to take a few hours as folks are at work. We'll let everyone know when we have a release available for the beta.
In my Fallout 4 Ultimate Tweak Tool I'm working on (basically a GUI for ini edits) - I'm trying to programatically start the f4se_loader.exe.
Fallout 4 starts, with the black menu background, but it crashes shortly into the main menu.
Any ideas? Is it an issue with out f4se_loader.exe hooks into the Fallout4.exe or something with Steam? Or maybe how the f4se_loader.exe skips the launcher screen?
Here's the code (C#) I'm using to start f4se_loader.exe - where editor.ReadValue returns a string of the users f4se_loader.exe location.
System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(editor.ReadValue("Settings", "sFallout4ExePath"));