If there are a lot of scripts (or even just one badly written one) running that make use of
FOSE's looping functions, you could notice a drop in frame rate. However, the only time I've ever seen scripts that are "heavy" enough to cause a drop in performance on their own is when I was running the performance tests that
harmy52 mentioned. I've posted results of most of these tests on these forums (http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?/topic/987561-script-optimisation/) and, if you're interested in running your own tests, I've uploaded a template to Fallout 3 Nexus (http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=11239)
If I remember correctly, your framerate is essentially limited by whatever aspect of Fallout 3 your computer is struggling with the most. Usually, this will be on the graphical side of things, and it will take a decent number of "heavy" scripts in order to decrease your framerate at all, with the exception of a few things like poorly written loops and multiple http://geck.gamesas.com/index.php/PlaceAtMe calls.
I would expect, all else being equal, mods that require
FOSE and mods that don't require
FOSE to have the same effect on your performance.