I am not entirely sure if this is the place to post this, but I looked at the other forums on this website and this seems to be the place it will get the most attention. Only one other person has even mentioned the snowboards, and he was complaining about the price drop from $500 to $400.
I purchased the Fallout 4, limited edition, while supplies last, snowboard the moment they went on sale out of sheer impulse. I had to have it. I thought it would look lovely mounted on the wall above my TV. The Bethesda Store said that they would not be shipping until at least October 30th, however, much to my surprise, I received my snowboard yesterday evening. I also have to say that I did not lie to myself, the snowboard does look lovely mounted on the wall above my TV (pictures upon request).
Now that everything is said and done. Snowboard mounted, Fallout 4 E3 Press Conference watched 10+ times, and every other official video about Fallout 4 that has been posted, I had an epiphany. I still had not purchased myself a copy of Fallout 4.
Seeing how there are only 155 of us, I don't understand why it would have been that big of deal to include a copy of the game in with the snowboard. After all, I did just spend $500 on "Fallout 4 swag". Others who have pre-ordered even the most expensive versions of the game have paid only a fraction of that. $120 for the Fallout 4 Pip-Boy Edition, most expensive edition to my knowledge. I do understand that the going price for some of the most expensive snowboards (for example: Burton) is roughly $500. Although, those snowboards will most likely be touching snow and/or anything else for that matter. This is a collector's item. It is going to be dusted regularly and continue to be mounted on the wall. So back to my main point, is there a reason a copy of the game was not included with our purchase of this fabulous snowboard?
Help. Please.