Fallout 4 Snowboard

Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 11:39 am

I am not entirely sure if this is the place to post this, but I looked at the other forums on this website and this seems to be the place it will get the most attention. Only one other person has even mentioned the snowboards, and he was complaining about the price drop from $500 to $400.

I purchased the Fallout 4, limited edition, while supplies last, snowboard the moment they went on sale out of sheer impulse. I had to have it. I thought it would look lovely mounted on the wall above my TV. The Bethesda Store said that they would not be shipping until at least October 30th, however, much to my surprise, I received my snowboard yesterday evening. I also have to say that I did not lie to myself, the snowboard does look lovely mounted on the wall above my TV (pictures upon request).

Now that everything is said and done. Snowboard mounted, Fallout 4 E3 Press Conference watched 10+ times, and every other official video about Fallout 4 that has been posted, I had an epiphany. I still had not purchased myself a copy of Fallout 4.

Seeing how there are only 155 of us, I don't understand why it would have been that big of deal to include a copy of the game in with the snowboard. After all, I did just spend $500 on "Fallout 4 swag". Others who have pre-ordered even the most expensive versions of the game have paid only a fraction of that. $120 for the Fallout 4 Pip-Boy Edition, most expensive edition to my knowledge. I do understand that the going price for some of the most expensive snowboards (for example: Burton) is roughly $500. Although, those snowboards will most likely be touching snow and/or anything else for that matter. This is a collector's item. It is going to be dusted regularly and continue to be mounted on the wall. So back to my main point, is there a reason a copy of the game was not included with our purchase of this fabulous snowboard?

Help. Please.

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Neliel Kudoh
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 3:33 am

Reason? Money.

Now let's see this snowboard I've never heard of

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Pawel Platek
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 10:00 am

If a copy of the game wasn't included in the purchase price you have no grounds to complain. You knew what you were getting.
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Amy Cooper
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 5:14 am

Why didn't it come with the game? Because it wasn't advertised to come with the game and so you got what you paid for...like all other merchandise, it's just merchandise, not a game bundle like a collector's edition or anthology and so on. It wouldn't need to come with a game to sell, obviously, and Bethesda can expect most of its buyers to also get the game as well.

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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 8:36 am

$500 is median price point for a snowboard, and it's a collector's item. If it wasn't advertised as coming with a copy of them game, then why'd you buy it? Were you hoping to be surprised to get something that wasn't marketed?

Edit: Just looked it up, it's a mid-range Never Summer model, so I'd say $500 is pretty good.

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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 3:06 pm

Well Greg, Nate, and... Boss for all three of your posts containing the exact same thing and implying that I am illiterate and did not read the description of an item that I paid $500 for, feels slightly narrow-minded as if you barely skimmed my post.

My original question was WHY was it not included. Considering there is a bundle (all that come with the game) with a Pip-Boy, one with a pair of socks, a basic one with a season pass, and lastly, I bet there is even one with the Fallout beer. Could it have been because the concept was handed off to a manufacturer and then it was out of Bethesda's hands? Maybe it was because, like imitenotbecrazy had mentioned, because they wanted more money? Perhaps something constructive would have been better?

Also, I was looking from some input from someone else who had purchased one of the snowboards with the possibility that maybe they felt the same way. Regardless, I will be purchasing the game. Simply posting out of curiosity like most people do on forums, thanks again for the flame.


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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 4:27 pm

It's just a separate, very limited run, collectors item. They made one for Fallout 3 too. It'd be redundant to include a game with it because anyone who shelled out the money for a collector's snowboard presumably had the game pre-ordered or were already planning on getting it. Same goes for the limited edition watch. Or the limited edition controller. People who buy collectors items sometimes buy several different collectors items, they don't need 5 copies of the game because they wanted 5 different limited edition items.

And the Fallout Beer is already for sale and only costs $30, so no game with that either.

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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 4:47 am

Why didn't my snowboard come with snowboarding apparel, why didn't my new mattress come with sheets and covers, why didn't my bucket of chicken at KFC come with free biscuits and gravy? It's all for the same reason: it's not what I paid for, simple economics! Are you honestly expecting some other answer besides this? You must understand the sheer absurdity of you wondering why a niche piece of unpopular merchandise didn't come with the game too. Best advice I can give you, contact 9Bethesda customer service and ask your question if you want an answer, which will be similar to ours. Your expectations are beyond unrealistic, both in regards to answers and the included game.

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Charlie Sarson
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 1:28 pm

Most likely they figured anyone who was willing to plonk down 500 bucks for a specific fallout 4 collectible snowboard would have already pre-ordered the game.

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